Thursday, December 22, 2011

reflecting on my failed attempts

During last week's support group meeting, George Chu asked us to reflect on failures in 2011.

Yesterday I had three that demotivated me, threatening to put me down into minor depressions:

1. I promised to finish SMMUv2 Arch Overview by end of this week. I let my mind distracted by other things such as talks about PCIe and BCAST data flow. I got scared that my mind works so out of focus, just like I am an ADD. God, what can I do?
2. I was late for Dr. Gan appointment by 20 minutes. What did I do? I kept trying to write a few more slides in my Arch Overview, procrastinating the scheduled departure.
3. Most importantly, my expectation of getting my ION article published by is not going anywhere. I'm scared. What a failure I am!