6 ... Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the LORD of hosts. | 6 他 對 我 說 、 這 是 耶 和 華 指 示 所 羅 巴 伯 的 . 萬 軍 之 耶 和 華 說 、 不 是 倚 靠 勢 力 、 不 是 倚 靠 才 能 、 乃 是 倚 靠 我 的 靈 、 方 能 成 事 。 | |
Oracle of Response | ||
7 Who art thou, O great mountain? before Zerubbabelthou shalt become a plain: and he shall bring forth the headstonethereof withshoutings,crying, Grace, grace unto it. Father i am weak in the face of the large tasks: 1. Expand 湧泉小組成為福音據點 2. Build tool to analyze mmu 500 perf by 7/20 Free from self protecting fear: john piper on Heb .10:34 11:25 Moses chose to embrace suffering, chose to love his people with huge lost. Soul satisfaction of the promised future. Mose walked from earthly pleasure 12:1-4. Let us run the race set before us. Active liberation of freeing from fear: the freedom coming from the cross . For the joy set before him, he endured the cross. The motivation to love your enemy. The hope the joy set before us. |
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Move mountains Zach 4:6
Saturday, June 29, 2013
Zach 2:10 錫 安 城 阿 、 應 當 歡 樂 歌 唱 、 因 為 我 來 要 住 在 你 中 間 . 這 是 耶 和 華 說 的 。
前天最高法院拒受八號公投的上訴,以五比4否決加州人民之反對同性戀結婚的民意, 這道德敗坏混淆是非的法庭令人憎惡.
我的盼望卻在主的話將:我 來 要 住 在 你 中 間 . 這 是 耶 和 華 說 的 。
Friday, June 28, 2013
Desire of All Nations主的榮光照亮湧泉小組
and I will shake all nations, and they shall come to the Desire of All Nations, and I will fill this temple with glory,’ says the Lord of hosts. (Haggai 2:7 NKJV)
求主在4S湧泉使用田野的工人帶朋友來,以耶穌作Desire of All Nations,好禳這ICL充䕳主的亮光。
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Zeph 3:17 The LORD thy God in the midst of thee ismighty; he will save, he will rejoice over thee with joy; His love will quiet you, he will joy over thee with singing.
求天上深沈的愛臨到MARK和AT, 主的名通過swArch team團隊而被稱頌,不單Victor,Yanru, 還有PJ,Carl,Subodh, Kent, Jay C, Himanshu, Satyaki, Ajay Patil, sirreah Sargur.
May His quiet love guide Tracy and Taylor, like it did John Wang.
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Pray for Excellent Spirit in Our Conduct
I am touched by Chuck Smith: page 6/26 "Wisdom for Today"
"He is at work on your behalf - even when He seems silent. Look away from your problems. Ignore the circumstances. Instead, cast your cares on the One who loves you and who has promised to meet all your needs."
Last week we studied Daniel, who was described to have an excellent spirit such that no one can find fault in him.
The story from Watchman Nee gave us a glimpse of the said kind of spirit.
Relating to present day my life, I know I am a sinner, with unclean lips in a society of unholy lips.
I read this passage in Micah 7. The unpredictable people dynamics caused me a lot of pain just as the two brothers experienced and Micah described.
I shall hold on to depend on 阿爸父: 7:7: 至 於 我 , 我 要 仰 望 耶 和 華 , 要 等 候 那 救 我 的 神 ; 我 的 神 必 應 允 我 。
Pray for Ted Lee who has suffered irregular heart beat, add to it disturbances from Gloria's mom, his in-law, at 95, requiring constant attention and many trips downtown.
Pray for Taylor and Tracy, be changed in Awana leadership camp. Change their hearts oh Lord, purify their young hearts.
"He is at work on your behalf - even when He seems silent. Look away from your problems. Ignore the circumstances. Instead, cast your cares on the One who loves you and who has promised to meet all your needs."
Last week we studied Daniel, who was described to have an excellent spirit such that no one can find fault in him.
The story from Watchman Nee gave us a glimpse of the said kind of spirit.
Relating to present day my life, I know I am a sinner, with unclean lips in a society of unholy lips.
I read this passage in Micah 7. The unpredictable people dynamics caused me a lot of pain just as the two brothers experienced and Micah described.
I shall hold on to depend on 阿爸父: 7:7: 至 於 我 , 我 要 仰 望 耶 和 華 , 要 等 候 那 救 我 的 神 ; 我 的 神 必 應 允 我 。
Pray for Ted Lee who has suffered irregular heart beat, add to it disturbances from Gloria's mom, his in-law, at 95, requiring constant attention and many trips downtown.
Pray for Taylor and Tracy, be changed in Awana leadership camp. Change their hearts oh Lord, purify their young hearts.
4 他 們 最 好 的 , 不 過 是 蒺 藜 ; 最 正 直 的 , 不 過 是 荊 棘 籬 笆 。 你 守 望 者 說 , 降 罰 的 日 子 已 經 來 到 。 他 們 必 擾 亂 不 安 。
5 不 要 倚 賴 鄰 舍 ; 不 要 信 靠 密 友 。 要 守 住 你 的 口 ; 不 要 向 你 懷 中 的 妻 提 說 。
6 因 為 , 兒 子 藐 視 父 親 ; 女 兒 抗 拒 母 親 ; 媳 婦 抗 拒 婆 婆 ; 人 的 仇 敵 就 是 自 己 家 裡 的 人 。
7 至 於 我 , 我 要 仰 望 耶 和 華 , 要 等 候 那 救 我 的 神 ; 我 的 神 必 應 允 我 。
8 我 的 仇 敵 啊 , 不 要 向 我 誇 耀 。 我 雖 跌 倒 , 卻 要 起 來 ; 我 雖 坐 在 黑 暗 裡 , 耶 和 華 卻 作 我 的 光 。
9 我 要 忍 受 耶 和 華 的 惱 怒 ; 因 我 得 罪 了 他 , 直 等 他 為 我 辨 屈 , 為 我 伸 冤 。 他 必 領 我 到 光 明 中 ; 我 必 得 見 他 的 公 義 。
10 那 時 我 的 仇 敵 , 就 是 曾 對 我 說 耶 和 華 ─ 你 神 在 哪 裡 的 , 他 一 看 見 這 事 就 被 羞 愧 遮 蓋
Begin forwarded message:
From: Mingxi Fan Subject: [svlight] Going to the full extentDate: June 23, 2013 3:47:40 PM PDTTo: undisclosed-recipients:;Bcc: SVLight@googlegroups.comReply-To: svlight@googlegroups.com
This a great sharing from Watchman Nee that we shared with some brothers/sisters this week in fellowship: (quoted from "Stories that Open a Larger Window" by Devern Fromke.“I recall a story of two brothers who both cultivated paddy fields in Northern China. Their fields werd halfway up the hill; others were lower down. In the great heat, they drew water by day and went to sleep at night. One night, while they were sleeping, the farmers lower down the hill dug a hole in the irrigation channel surrounding the brothers’s fileds and let all the water flow down on their own fields.
The next morning the brothers saw what had happened, but said nothing. They filled the troughs with water, and again all the water was drawn off the following night. Still they uttered no word of protest when they discovered the mean trick the same farmers had played on them. It seemed so unfair, and ye they were Christians. Ought not Christians be patient?This game was repeated seven nights in succession; and for seven days these two brothers silently suffered the wrong. Quietly they continued doing what they thought was good and right. We would assume that Christians who could allow themselves to be treated like this day after day, and never utter a word of reproach, would surely be overflowing with joy.Strange to say, they were not happy at all, and their unhappiness distressed them to such an extent that they brought the matter to another brother who was in Lord’s service. Having stated their case, they asked him: How does it come about that, having suffered all this wrong for a full week, we are still not happy?This brother had some experience and replied: You are unhappy because you have not gone the full length. You should first irrigate those farmers’ fields and then irrigate your own. You go back and test it out, and see whether or not your hearts find rest. They agreed to try, and off they went.Next morning they were afoot earlier than ever, and their first business was to irrigate the fields of those farmers who had so persistently robbed their fields of water. And this amazing thing happened – the more the labored watering their persecutor’s land, the happier they became. By the time they had finished watering their own land their heart were at perfect rest. When the brothers repeated this for two to three days, the offending farmers came to apologize and added:If this is Christianity, then we want to hear more about it.“Now to reflect upon the story, what do we think about the two brothers when they first remained patient without complaining? Isn’t that already amazing faith and submission? What then was lacking that they had no joy?It is important we recognize two very different kingdoms – the moral kingdom with natural human reasoning, and the spiritual kingdom in which the way of divine Life operates. In the moral kingdom, when men do what is good and right, it will bring temporary peace. However, in the spiritual kingdom, we must go beyond what is good and right to sacrifice ourselves: In this God was satisfied and He would provide great joy.This will help us to understand why Paul wrote to the Romans:“God’s kingdom is not meat or drink, but righteousness, peace, and Joy in the Holy Spirit.” It is His Joy that makes a difference!It is quite certain that many of us are trying hard to achieve excellence at work, at home, in marketplace, and at the same driving our next generation towards excellence. In the process, also many of us also try hard each day to overcome difficulties, especially in working with people? Are we feeling the joy in the midst of it? If so, praise God! If somehow the joy seems missing, let’s examine whether we are going in the full extent with God’s way, and pray that God lead us towards living out the full potential that He planned for each of us!
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Pray for Awana Leadership Camp 06/23
Micah 2:7 Is the Spirit of the Lord restricted? Are these His doings? Do not My words do good to him who walks uprightly?
Starting today, Taylor and Tracy go to Awana Leadership Camp for 7 days. Tracy is attending for the 3rd time, Taylor the first time.
Father, please use the camp to transform Taylor's heart, Tracy's life. Let your Spirit do wonderful things in their young hearts, without restrictions. I know Your Will is beyond my imaginations. Thank You for blessing us so abundantly, and died on the Cross in my place and stead.
May Your name be glorified this week at home and at the Awana Camp!
Starting today, Taylor and Tracy go to Awana Leadership Camp for 7 days. Tracy is attending for the 3rd time, Taylor the first time.
Father, please use the camp to transform Taylor's heart, Tracy's life. Let your Spirit do wonderful things in their young hearts, without restrictions. I know Your Will is beyond my imaginations. Thank You for blessing us so abundantly, and died on the Cross in my place and stead.
May Your name be glorified this week at home and at the Awana Camp!
Saturday, June 22, 2013
約 拿 書 2
5 諸 水 環 繞 我 , 幾 乎 淹 沒 我 ; 深 淵 圍 住 我 ; 海 草 纏 繞 我 的 頭 。
6 我 下 到 山 根 , 地 的 門 將 我 永 遠 關 住 。 耶 和 華 ─ 我 的 神 啊 , 你 卻 將 我 的 性 命 從 坑 中 救 出 來 。
7 我 心 在 我 裡 面 發 昏 的 時 候 , 我 就 想 念 耶 和 華 。 我 的 禱 告 進 入 你 的 聖 殿 , 達 到 你 的 面 前 。
8 那 信 奉 虛 無 之 神 的 人 , 離 棄 憐 愛 他 們 的 主 ;
9 但 我 必 用 感 謝 的 聲 音 獻 祭 與 你 。 我 所 許 的 願 , 我 必 償 還 。 救 恩 出 於 耶 和 華 。
- 为陈波母亲祷告:慈爱天父,陈波母亲被卡车撞伤。眼睛和头部颈部瘀肿。血压很高。求你安慰她医治她。她是耶稣所爱的人。她在伤痛时向你呼求禱 告,求你把她從伤痛和高血压 中 救 出 來,安然无恙,因为你是大能的神,陈波母亲身体灵魂的拯救都出 於 耶 和 華 。现在不知道卡车的车牌,也没有警察的报告。求主帮助将真相查出。
- 为嘉义福音营祷告:0622: 親愛天父,求袮怜悯来福音营的所有同学们。他们来,是要寻求生命的奥秘, 寻求救恩。愿你的爱打动每位同学的心,催逼他们为罪为义为审判自己责备自己。愿每一位的灵魂都脱离永死,在这福音营脱离虛無之神的束缚,悔改进入永生。 救 恩 出 於 耶 和 華, 天父乐意听我们的呼求,并赐下生命的活水给寻求真理的人,降复兴给嘉义这块土地,施恩惠给中正这所大学。愿主的榮耀在台湾得彰顯!
Friday, June 21, 2013
How Daniel in Exile Became A Man of Excellent Spirit?
How did Daniel become such that "the excellent spirit is in him" ? (Daniel 6:3, KJV)
Perhaps, quite possibly and even by necessity, he had excellent spritual parenting. I'm reading C.H. Spurgeon "Spiritual Parenting" page 71:
Perhaps, quite possibly and even by necessity, he had excellent spritual parenting. I'm reading C.H. Spurgeon "Spiritual Parenting" page 71:
- "Sound instruction in Scripture, when activated by a living faith, creates a solid character. The man who has known the holy Scriptures from childhood will be grounded and settled on the abiding principles of God's unchanging Word when he otainbs faith in Christ."
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Chosen and Chastized
Amos:3:2: You only have I chosen of all the families of the earch; therefore I will punish you for all your sins.
To us, Victor and I had been chosen for the current team, so I can join 4S missions. I will surely be punished if I commit the sin of omission or transgression in serving the 4S Spring group: I am so blessed so lucky fully loved.
親愛天父,求袮預備這福音營同學們有憂傷痛悔的心, 好叫我們不再拜任何我 們 手 所 造 的神,㾄里的佛像馬祖或市井的金錢權勢麗姿或風光。我們要作智
To us, Victor and I had been chosen for the current team, so I can join 4S missions. I will surely be punished if I commit the sin of omission or transgression in serving the 4S Spring group: I am so blessed so lucky fully loved.
Jun 18 (2 days ago)
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何西阿十四:1以 色 列 阿 、 你 要 歸 向 耶 和 華 你 的 神 . 你 是 因 自 己 的 罪 孽 跌 倒 了 。 |
2 當 歸 向 耶 和 華 、 用 言 語 禱 告 他 說 、 求 你 除 淨 罪 孽 、 悅 納 善 行 、 這 樣 、 我 們 就 把 嘴 唇 的 祭 代 替 牛 犢 獻 上 。 |
3 我 們 不 向 亞 述 求 救 . 不 騎 埃 及 的 馬 . 也 不 再 對 我 們 手 所 造 的 說 、 你 是 我 們 的 神 、 因 為 孤 兒 在 你 耶 和 華 那 裡 得 蒙 憐 憫 。 |
9 誰 是 智 慧 人 、 可 以 明 白 這 些 事 、 誰 是 通 達 人 、 可 以 知 道 這 一 切 . 因 為 耶 和 華 的 道 是 正 直 的 、 義 人 必 在 其 中 行 走 、 罪 人 卻 在 其 上 跌 倒 。
慧 人,明白一切的好處不在袮以外。
願所有尋求的都找到福音,這周末就歸 向 耶 和 華,定意跟隨賜新生命的耶穌,象回頭浪子在慈父那 裡 得 蒙 憐 憫。
sent from iOS phone.
Jun 6
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谢谢弟兄的分享,爱我们的主与弟兄同在, 是我们四围的盾牌胜过仇敌的控告, 使我们的灵魂苏醒的主必用祂的杖祂的竿引我们一路前行.
前俩天我的电脑突然crashed寄回公司在Plano的IT repair center, 感谢主有多一点安静的时间看到自己灵里的贫乏与挣扎被许多的思虑 烦扰缠累, 让我们靠着爱我们的主彼此守望相互扶持更多去认识经历得着那上好 的.
In HIS Love,
Dear Mingxi:
我昨晚一直为你所经历的拯救来感谢。 五年前我也亲身经历过“神用祂的恩典把我从灭亡的边缘拉了回来”。那一次也是多谢朱老师来探访。 昨晚我也想到职场服事的需要之大,不能没有你与我和大家互相鼓励作艰难但有意义的工作。 我相信下面这话也代表了大家的心意:你不光要“去和家人团聚”, 在周三中午的职场小组,大家也等着你回来团聚! 我也盼望和你同行,透过你我的软弱,帮周遭更多的人刚强,我们一起从类似你经历的那种谴责,讥笑,”大限“, 恐惧中得釋放, 就像希伯来书第二章14节所讲:。。。 要 釋 放 那 些 一 生 因 怕 死 而 為 奴 僕 的 人 。 -thomas
2013/6/6 george chu <gccchu@gmail.com>Dear Mingxi, 感谢主带领过死阴的幽谷。 我立刻跪下为你祷告。 相信主会带领你到溪水旁,要你安静在他身边。我们在忙碌中,神用各种方法提醒我们。援助继续与你同在。 我将会在明天晚上从青岛飞回北京。 周6与北京工商团契有两堂的分享。 需不需要我去探望你。告诉我你的联系方式。 愿主继续带领保守你。 George 2013/6/5 Mingxi Fan <mxfancbc2005@gmail.com>Just a sharing of recent event with you. Look forward to hearing your thoughts too.Dear All,
两天前,3日晚,在北京,又亲身经历神的恩典。之前由于种种软弱和忧虑,外加时差,已有一周不能安睡。 当日半夜,处理完事务,正辗转反侧,突然胸口绞痛, 紧随着心率突然变得极为不齐,一阵快速心跳后, 紧接着长似几秒的间歇,随后呼吸立刻跟不上,然后手脚随即发冷, 全身缩紧。之前也偶然有过片刻的心绞痛和心率杂乱, 但从未有如此的感觉。同时伴随着的, 是一种无法言喻的寒冷和脱离身体的感觉。 突然感到一丝讥笑就在身边说,忙吧,愚蠢,有什么用, 今晚就是你的大限。在一片黑暗之中,太太和两个孩子的样子, 父母,小妹和亲人的样子,和过去和他们有限的时光,一闪而过, 并闪烁着很多因工作加服事或自以为有意义的繁忙而把家人放在一边 的时间和种种理由。随后看到的是,自己很多的亏欠, 对神的话语马马虎虎,对朋友的缺乏关心, 对教会和小组事工的懒惰,和对工作和同事的敷衍或政治手腕。 又有一个声音(一闪而过)似乎说, 你有脸见给了你那么多恩惠的上帝吗,不如直接下地狱得了。此时, 开始大口喘气,感到人随即就要一口气接不上过去了, 手脚几乎不能动掸。感到人在一片黑暗之中,而且越来越黑。 就在此时,忽然心中闪过主的话:不是你拣选了我, 而是我拣选了你。我必于你同在。 于是立时在黑暗中感受到一丝亮光,像是主耶稣的救恩。 有个声音对我说,用祷告紧紧抓住这救恩,不要放手, 他是你的盼望。于是,我随口中以不能言,心中发出声息向神祷告: 主,你是全能的上帝,奇妙的救主。我很软弱, 也对你有太多的亏欠。我在这里没有任何可夸耀的, 但求单单你怜悯的恩典与我同在。求你救我脱离罪恶和地狱, 也保守延续我在世上的生命,使我至少还能回去和家人团聚。 让我们一同荣耀赞美你的名,一同来继续服侍你, 虽然我们能力有限,但是我们愿意让你的大能透过我们的软弱, 让更多的人认识你。奉主耶稣的名我向您呼求祷告。(这一刻, 真的明白了什么是圣灵亲自用说不出的叹息来为我们祷告) 奇妙发生了,心中有一个非常确信的声音和肯定说,神已听见, 祂已应允,你必平安。接着感到整个人从里到外充满平安, 不知不觉就睡了。一觉醒来,凌晨四点,才发现身上全是冷汗, 但已无大恙。 感谢主!
也许听者会认为这一切不过是由疲惫而引起的一连串心理作用。我可以很确信地说,这是神用祂的恩典把我从灭亡的边缘拉了回来。 我只有感谢,和今后减少亏欠和加倍做工来报答主恩。 现在正考虑是否辞职去做更有服侍意义的工作。请大家为我祷告, 求神的带领。
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