Sunday, December 29, 2013


啓示錄20章11丶12節講 人必有一死,死後且有審判, 在上帝白色大寶座前的審判 死了的人無論大小貴賤都站在這大寶座前,憑生命冊所記載的,照他們所行的受審判。


Thursday, December 26, 2013

Reading Life of the Beloved

Reading Life of the Beloved in Gouverneur Hotel Montreal

I read the1993 book by Rev Henri Nouwen for spiritual living in a secular world.

He answered the search in my presentaton for Tainan Prison Mission on Self Acceptance. 

- You are my beloved, on you my favor rests. Matt 3:16 

You do not have to get caught in searches that lead only to entanglement. Neither do you have to become the victim of a manipulative world or get trapped in any kind of addiction. Page 38