Sunday, February 23, 2014

a week in review regarding Delayed Answers

Today's devotion is about Hannah receiving delayed answers to her prayer for a son.

 "God wanted more. He wanted a man to deliver His whole nation from their moral corruption. So He allowed the daily agony to mold and shape Hannah, and withheld the answer to her prayers until He brought her into harmony with His desire. And through her son, Samuel, spiritual revival came."

Our house buying is a small example. We wanted in 4S Ranch, and bid for two houses to no avail.

We started to look elsewhere, now looking at 3545 Ryan Drive Escondido.

Perhaps the man upstairs wanted to use us to serve Youth retreat? Shuyi is excited. I'm not comfortable yet with a garage and drive way 50 feet away.

Other things in last week:

  1. I drove Ling to flight back home on Monday evening.
  2. I watched The Lego Movie with Taylor on Friday.
  3. I found that my team made a mistake for SMMU.
  4. I received a new idea for SMMU optimizations that gathered important momentum when presenting to upper management Wed.
  5. I presented "NGO II: Pride and Consequences" to Wed Salt and Light. 

Friday, February 14, 2014

潔淨內在的我by put away the Gods my father served

Now therefore, fear the Lord, serve Him in sincerity and in truth, and put away the gods which your fathers served on the other side of the River and in Egypt. Serve the Lord! 
Today i am turning 47.

I feel blessed this birthday comparing to last because:

1. My bond with Shuyi grew stronger in our common calling to begin 2nd half in 14 years.

2. My vision about career calling becomes more clear: it is about His big heart not about me.

3. My interaction to my dad becomes more meaningful.

Joshua saw how the hearts of God's children were turning away from Him. So he issued a challenge. When Joshua stood before the people, he gave them a choice. They could continue serving themselves, their intellect and their pleasures, or they could serve the Lord.

My father served false pride in career promotion and education status. I shall put them away!

In Deuteronomy, Moses asked, "What does the Lord require of you?" The first two requirements listed were that we fear God and serve Him with all of our hearts. So Joshua reminded the people of God's requirements: fear God (reverence Him), and then serve Him in sincerity and truth: serve genuinely.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Secret Things

The Wisdom For Today is the following:

Be joyful in the midst of today's trials and constructive critiques: for God is about to reveal His secrets about Homself and His love to me.

Meanwhile, is it not wise for me to keep the existing laws revealed to me to us already?

29 隱 祕 的 事 、 是 屬 耶 和 華 我 們   神 的 、 惟 有 明 顯 的 事 、 是 永 遠 屬 我 們 和 我 們 子 孫 的 、 好 叫 我 們 遵 行 這 律 法 上 的 一 切 話 。