Friday, November 20, 2015

Ellel Healing Ministry Summary

NETS program for inner healing through deliverance
  1. Ellel Pierrepont Ministry Vision

Teaching Hospital modelled after Jesus (Luke 9:11)
  • Relationship - He welcome
  • Revelation - He taught
  • Restoration - He healed
  1. Biblical Foundations of the Healing Ministry

a.       In God's image, man is created with Spirit, Body and Soul. God created man to have authority over the earth.
-          Satan lost his place of authority when God expelled him
b.      At the fall, man chose to agree with Satan and gave up his authority
c.       God's rescue plan: reconcile man and God through the death of Jesus on the cross.
  • God has given us the gift of free will. We have a choice whether or not to submit to the authority of Jesus and to make Him Lord of our lives.
  1. The Lordship of God

  • I am a wretch
  • If I love Jesus, I become His friend, and the love compels me to obey
Lordship Prayer.
"LORD JESUS CHRIST, I acknowledge my need of You and accept You as my Saviour, my Redeemer, my LORD and my Deliverer.
I invite You now to be LORD of the whole of my life

Healing through worship
a.       Hunger for Him, meditate on His Word, pray on it
b.      Grow humility and faith together
c.       Wait for revelation not information
  1. Inner problems

  • Sin affects up to 4 generations  (Ex 20:5)
  • Sexual sins in family line (Dt 23:2)
  • Chinese families may suffer curses of idol worship  e.g. 一贯道
      • Example: controlled by a controlling person in our lives
    1. Personal sins led to sinful heart
    2. Personal beliefs that are acutally lies
        Discern “Truth About Lies
  1. Inner healing (video with Mandarin translate)

    1. Jesus came to bind up the broken hearted.
      • Discipleship is almost synomyn of inner healing
    2. Inner healing refers to the healing of the spirit and the soul, although this often results in physical healing too (Isa 61:1-4)

6. The Master key of healing: Forgiveness.

    1. Lead myself out of the prison of hatred
    2. Goal is to get back full capacity
    3.  "peeling the onion”
    4. Focus on getting my heart right with God
    5. Hardest part is forgiving your father and/or yourself
    6. How do I know I have been forgiven?
      • 1.       Does the Holy Spirit flow freely through me?
      • 2.       Do I still feel hurt and bitter?
      • 3.       Can I walk up to him "How are you doing?"
      • 4.       Can I pray for him like praying for my own family?
  1. Father heart of God

Replace the fear of the man with the fear of the Lord  
4 principles of acceptance:
  • ·         Accept God as He is, and let go wrong perceptions of God because of sin of earthly fathers.
  • ·         Allow God to accept us as we are
  • ·         Accept ourselves as we are: forgive and accept me
  • ·         Accept others as they are: by this shall all men know that you are My disciples John 13:35
It is not my job to change someone.
It is my job to focus on loving God, and love his people
  1. Continue walking with God after the initial healing

    1. My walk is a spiritual battle journey
    2. Hunger for more Spiritual nutrients.
    3. Get a mentor
    4. Get a accountability partner
  • How the true presence of God follows obedience (Acts 5:32)
  •  What it really means to make Jesus Lord: get real with Jesus.  Roman 12:9: hate what's evil, lead no-compromise life especially one on one with Jesus. Romans 8:12-15
  •  Where to focus your attention in order to see freedom and healing unfold in your life 
  • The characteristics of the Holy Spirit and why we so desperately need Him

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Hunger for More

This is the prayer from Jilly Taylor that touched me:

Prayer: Lord, please forgive me for filling my life with things that do not really satisfy. I know that You are the only One who truly satisfies my soul. Please increase my hunger for You, and help me to seek You more earnestly for all that You have for me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

updated reflection: 破茧而出


I wrote my testimony in response to the assignment from Sunday sermon last month. This is a story  that spans close to 2 years.
My position at work requires me to introduce architectural changes to a large project, and I encountered a series of setback around early 2014. The change initiative that my team started ran into increasingly strong resistance from several "under the table" forces. Our project could not move forward because of one force and could not go back due to another. We were stuck. I was directly criticized of leading the cross functional teams of many developers into a quagmire.   I felt devastated by the email attacks, for they became too much to endure especially when sent to large distribution lists. I felt those emails shattered my reputation my identity into pieces.
Worse yet, over time, I lost balance. I began to make more mistakes in the panic situation. I tried to take the matter into my own hands out of desperation; I tried to out-maneuver the others instead of submitting the messy situation to the lordship of Jesus;   doing it my way only made matters more messy, and I felt guilty in addition to injured. The direct consequences were stress, then sleep disorder, then depression eventually anxiety disorders.  I suffered depression before but this was a lot worse, lasting some 1.5+ years. I battled the dark mood futilely. In my distress, I began to withdraw more and more to myself, to hide my pain and shame, invoking familiar defensive mechanisms along the way. I did manage to do one thing right: I kept attending church, church weekly prayer meetingsand played racquetball with Brother racquetball partner followed by him praying for me.
更坏的是,一段时间后我失去了平衡。我开始在恐慌中犯更多的错误。在绝望中我开始用自己的方法来解决问题,想以其人之道还治其人之身。 神说伸冤在我,我偏偏自力逞能, 但以牙还牙将情况变得更坏,使自己既受伤有内疚。结出的后果是常常紧张,重度失眠,导致抑郁症,最后见到凶的同事我大脑就发麻不能运作,就焦虑慌张。我以前有过忧郁症,但这次更加严重,超过了一年半。我与黑暗的情绪争战但毫无功效。在愁苦中我越来越多躲避到自己的世界,来隐藏我的痛苦和羞耻,并且用熟悉的方式自我保护。但我有一件事做对了:我定期去周三祷告会, 周末和Vinson Lee 弟兄打壁球,之后我俩互相祷告。
During this time I went to see many specialist doctors; sought a dozen or so tests to root cause the problems. Nothing helped. I felt so much pain and disgrace yet I could not shed a tear for I just hid in my shell. In retrospect, Ezekiel 11 was written for my situation:  "I will take the stony heart out of their flesh, and will give them a heart of flesh (11:19, KJV)".
这段时间里我许多次去看专科医生:神经科检查,精神科检查,内分泌科检查,荷尔蒙检查 Toxicology, Oncology, ;做了十几次检查为了找到问题的源头。什么都没有用。我感到许多的痛苦和羞耻但 我没有办法流一滴眼泪,因为我把自己藏在一个躯壳里。回顾起来,以西结书11章就是对我很好的形容:(我要)从他们肉体中除掉石心,赐给他们肉心。
My heart was hardened like a stone by inner fears. The more I worry, the more life seemed to be falling apart. I felt I could not hold down the job and started to envision a new job somewhere else, with less stress. But from past experience I instinctively knew that there were lessons awaiting me before I ran away from the troubles facing me now. Besides, I was in no shape to interview anywhere.
I felt trapped in the harsh relational conflicts, as if in bondage to fears: the fear of more failures, the fear of work place bullies like those in a school playground. I long for restoration of peace and order, but where is it?
Around that time, I got help from a church deacon who cared my wife and me immensely. She shared her struggle with depression episodes and her road  to recovery. She highly recommended that I go to London to attend Pierrepont MicroNETS-1 (Never Ever The Same program, Micro version). 
大约哪个时候,我从一位教会执事那里得到了许多帮助,她热心地关怀了我和我太太。她和我分享了她在忧郁症中挣扎和康复的路程。她强烈建议我去伦敦参加Pierrepont MicroNETS-1活动(永远不再一样)
On a side note, my wife consistently diagnosed that my problem is rooted not in chemical imbalance nor childhood trauma, but in structural problems in my spiritual belief. Something wrong with my spiritual life, she believed and she was prepared to arrange child care so she can go to London with me.
I did not believe her but there was nothing to lose. Besides, I knew I came out a better man each time I heeded her advise.
Once Dr Anchi Wang stabilized my sleep disorder with anti depressants, I had enough strength to travel to Pierrepont, London for the 9 day MicroNETS program. I went to Pierrepont hoping to get healed of depression and anxiety,  to sleep without anti-depressant. And I came back full of hope, exhausted but of great spirit.
The time at Pierrepont brought cleansing and restoration to my inner being. I dropped the antidepressant Rx drug, Rameron 30mg, that I had been dependent on over the prior 75 days since 5/16/15. I now sleep rather well. Praise the Lord for this healing.
Moreover, at the MicroNETS site, Pierrepont, the Holy Spirit bestowed on me joyfully. In one instance, hardly 10 seconds into worship time at 9:45pm, a sense of joy fell on me so strong that I  could hardly hold back tears for ~30 minutes.  Before the trip, I had not been able to shed a tear for more than 1.5 years, and not for the lack of trying. But on that day, for the first time in 1.5+ years,  my heart softened, as if turning from a heart of stone to a heart of flesh (Ezekiel 11:19).  Those tears were better than strong medication, able to wash away in 30 minutes the shame anguish fears accrued  over 1.5+ years...
Perhaps more profoundly, from Pierrepont trip I began to understand spiritual dynamics. Human relational conflicts at work or elsewhere, I believe, reflect spiritual dynamics as explained in 2 Corinthians 10:4-5: "For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ"
也许更奇妙的是,因为Pierrepont的经历我开始理解属灵的层面。人际关系的冲突,不论是工作场所还是别的地方,都是属灵争战的表现,就像哥林多后书(10:4-5)所讲的,“我们争战的兵器本不是属血气的,乃是在神面前有能力,可以攻破坚固的营垒, 5 将各样的计谋、各样拦阻人认识神的那些自高之事,一概攻破了,又将人所有的心意夺回,使它都顺服基督。”
George always taught us that the first step to maturity and leadership is self-awareness. I now understand that our self-awareness must include spiritual awareness. That is, be aware of the spiritual warfare around us,  and with that awareness yield to the small still voice from the Spirit (1 King 19:12).
(“地震后有火,耶和华也不在火中;火后有微小的声音。1 King 19:12”)
This last part is to me the most valuable takeaway. Although current job related people problems persist even deteriorate in some ways, I can now face them from the spiritual angle.
I'm learning to anchor my peace on believing "greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world. (1 John 4:4)".
It is true that we have a superior God. Our God is greater than any other.

我在学习将平安扎根在相信,“(小子们哪,你们是属神的,并且胜了他们;因为那在你们里面的,比那在世界上的更大。1 John 4:4 的确,我们有至高真神,能攻破坚营垒,挣脱锁链,释放我脱茧而出。

In closing, I would like to share this verse to encourage those who may be suffering dark moments like I did:
2 Cor 1:3-4:  Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort;
Who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God." 

林后1:3-4愿颂赞归于我们的主耶稣基督的父神,就是发慈悲的父,赐各样安慰的神! 4 我们在一切患难中,他就安慰我们,叫我们能用神所赐的安慰去安慰那遭各样患难的人。

Monday, September 21, 2015

From Depressed to Joyful

My position at work requires me to introduce architectural changes to a large project, and I encountered a series of setback around early 2014. The change initiative that my team started ran into increasingly strong resistance from several "under the table" forces. Our project could not move forward because of one force and could not go back due to another. We were stuck. I was directly criticized of leading the cross functional teams of many developers into a quagmire.   I felt devastated by the email attacks, for they became too much to endure especially when sent to large distribution lists. I felt those emails shattered my reputation my identity into pieces. 


Worse yet, over time, I lost balance. I began to make more mistakes in the panic situation. I tried to take the matter in to my own hands out of desperation, but only made matters worse to add guilt to injury. The direct consequences were stress, then sleep disorder, then depression eventually anxiety disorders.  I suffered depression before but this was a lot worse, lasting some 1.5+ years. I battled the dark mood futilely. In my distress, I began to withdraw more and more to myself, to hide my pain and shame, invoking familiar defensive mechanisms along the way.

I felt the poet prophet Jeremiah was writing when inside my head, for he said in Lamentations 3:

14 I have become a joke to all my people, the object of their song of ridicule all day long.15 He saturated me with grief, made me choke on bitterness.16 He crushed my teeth into the gravel; he pressed me down into the ashes.17 I’ve rejected peace; I’ve forgotten what is good.18 I thought: My future is gone, as well as my hope from the Lord.

I did manage to do one thing right: I kept attending church and weekly prayer meetings.


During this time I went to see many specialist doctors; sought a dozen or so tests to root cause the problems. Nothing helped. I felt so much pain and disgrace yet I could not shed a tear for I just hid in my shell. In retrospect, Ezekiel 11 was written for my situation:  "I will take the stony heart out of their flesh, and will give them a heart of flesh (11:19, KJV)".


My heart was hardened like a stone by inner fears. The more I worry, the more life seemed to be falling apart. I felt I could not hold down the job and started to envision a new job somewhere else, with less stress. But from past experience I instinctively knew that there were lessons awaiting me before I ran away from the troubles facing me now. Besides, I was in no shape to interview anywhere.


I felt trapped in the harsh relational conflicts, as if in bondage to fears: the fear of more failures, the fear of work place bullies like those in a school playground. I long for restoration of peace and order, but where is it?


Around that time, I got help from a church deacon who cared my wife and me immensely. She shared her struggle with depression episodes and her road  to recovery. She highly recommended that I go to London to attend Pierrepont MicroNETS-1 (Never Ever The Same program, Micro version). 

大约哪个时候,我从一位教会执事那里得到了许多帮助,她热心地关怀了我和我太太。她和我分享了她在忧郁症中挣扎和康复的路程。她强烈建议我去伦敦参加Pierrepont MicroNETS-1活动(永远不再一样)

On a side note, my wife consistently diagnosed that my problem is rooted not in chemical imbalance nor childhood trauma, but in structural problems in my spiritual belief. Something wrong with my spiritual life, she believed and she was prepared to arrange child care so she can go to London with me.


I did not believe her but there was nothing to lose. Besides, I knew I came out a better man each time I heeded her advise.


Once I stabilized the sleep disorder with anti depressant, I had enough strength to travel to Pierrepont, London for the 9 day MicroNETS program. I went to Pierrepont hoping to get healed of depression and anxiety,  to sleep without anti-depressant. And I came back full of hope, exhausted but of great spirit.


The time at Pierrepont brought cleansing and restoration to my inner being. I dropped the antidepressant Rx drug, Rameron 30mg, that I had been dependent on over the prior 90 days since 5/16/15. I now sleep rather well. Praise the Lord for this healing.


Moreover, at the MicroNETS site, Pierrepont, the Holy Spirit bestowed on me joyfully. In one instance, hardly 10 seconds into worship time at 9:45pm, a sense of joy fell on me so strong that I  could hardly hold back tears for ~30 minutes.  Before the trip, I had not been able to shed a tear for more than 1.5 years, and not for the lack of trying. But on that day, for the first time in 1.5+ years,  my heart softened, as if turning from a heart of stone to a heart of flesh (Ezekiel 11:19).  Those tears were better than strong medication, able to wash away in 30 minutes the shame anguish fears accrued  over 1.5+ years...


Perhaps more profoundly, from Pierrepont trip I began to understand spiritual dynamics. Human relational conflicts at work or elsewhere, I believe, reflect spiritual dynamics as explained in 2 Corinthians 10:4-5: "For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ"

也许更奇妙的是,因为Pierrepont的经历我开始理解属灵的层面。人际关系的冲突,不论是工作场所还是别的地方,都是属灵争战的表现,就像哥林多后书(10:4-5)所讲的,我们争战的兵器本不是属血气的,乃是在神面前有能力,可以攻破坚固的营垒, 5 将各样的计谋、各样拦阻人认识神的那些自高之事,一概攻破了,又将人所有的心意夺回,使它都顺服基督。

George always taught us that the first step to maturity is self-awareness. I now understand that our self-awareness must include spiritual awareness. That is, be aware of the spiritual warfare around us,  and with that awareness yield to the small still voice from the Spirit (1 King 19:12).



This last part is to me the most valuable takeaway. Although current job related people problems persist even deteriorate in some ways, I can now face them from the spiritual angle.

I'm learning to anchor my peace on believing "greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world. (1 John 4:4)".



In closing, I would like to share this verse to encourage those who may be suffering dark moments like I did:

2 Cor 1:3-4:  Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort;

Who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God."


林后1:3-4愿颂赞归于我们的主耶稣基督的父神,就是发慈悲的父,赐各样安慰的神! 4 我们在一切患难中,他就安慰我们,叫我们能用神所赐的安慰去安慰那遭各样患难的人。

My pastor assigned us to each write down a short testimony during his sermon at 4S Ranch. I wrote the following in response.

My position at work requires me to introduce architectural changes to a large project, and I encountered a series of setback around early 2014. The change initiative that my team started ran into increasingly strong resistance from several "under the table" forces. Our project could not move forward because of one force and could not go back due to another. We were stuck. I was directly criticized of leading the cross functional teams of many developers into a quagmire.   I felt devastated by the email attacks, for they became too much to endure especially when sent to large distribution lists. I felt those emails shattered my reputation my identity into pieces. Worse yet, over time, I lost balance. I began to make more mistakes in the panic situation. I tried to take the matter in to my own hands out of desperation, but only made matters worse to add guilt to injury. The direct consequences were stress, then sleep disorder, then depression eventually anxiety disorders.  I suffered depression before but this was a lot worse, lasting some 1.5+ years. I battled the dark mood futilely. In my distress, I began to withdraw more and more to myself, to hide my pain and shame, invoking familiar defensive mechanisms along the way. I did manage to do one thing right: I kept attending church and weekly prayer meetings.

During this time I went to see many specialist doctors; sought a dozen or so tests to root cause the problems. Nothing helped. I felt so much pain and disgrace yet I could not shed a tear for I just hid in my shell. In retrospect, Ezekiel 11 was written for my situation:  "I will take the stony heart out of their flesh, and will give them a heart of flesh (11:19, KJV)".

My heart was hardened like a stone by emotional scars and inner fears. The more I worry, the more life seemed to be falling apart. I felt I could not hold down the job and started to envision a new job somewhere else, with less stress. But from past experience I instinctively knew that there were lessons awaiting me before I ran away from trouble. Besides, I was in no shape to interview anywhere.
   I felt trapped in the harsh relational conflicts, as if in bondage to fears: the fear of losing more face,  the fear of work place bullies much like school-yard bullies, and the fear of more failures. I long for restoration of peace and order, but where was it?

Around that time, I got help from a church deacon who cared my wife and me immensely. She shared her struggle with depression episodes and her road  to recovery. She highly recommended that I go to London to attend Pierrepont MicroNETS-1 (Never Ever The Same program, Micro version).
On a side note, my wife consistently diagnosed that my problem is rooted not in chemical imbalance nor childhood trauma, but in structural problems in my spiritual belief. Something wrong with my spiritual life, she believed and she was prepared to arrange child care so she can go to London with me.
I did not believe her but there was nothing to lose. Besides, I knew I came out a better man each time I heeded her advise.
  Once I stabilized the sleep disorder with anti depressant, I had enough strength to travel to Pierrepont, London for the 9 day MicroNETS program. I went to Pierrepont hoping to get healed of depression and anxiety,  to sleep without anti-depressant. And I came back full of hope, exhausted but of great spirit.

The time at Pierrepont brought cleansing and restoration to my inner being. I dropped the antidepressant Rx drug, Rameron 30mg, that I had been dependent on over the prior 90 days since 5/16/15. I now sleep well. Praise the Lord for this healing.

Moreover, at the MicroNETS site, Pierrepont, the Holy Spirit bestowed on me joyfully. In one instance, hardly 10 seconds into worship time at 9:45pm, a sense of joy fell on me so strong that I  could hardly hold back tears for ~30 minutes.  Before the trip, I had not been able to shed a tear for more than 1.5 years, and not for the lack of trying. But on that day, for the first time in 1.5+ years,  my heart softened, as if turning from a heart of stone to a heart of flesh (Ezekiel 11:19).  Those tears were better than strong medication, able to wash away in 30 minutes the shame anguish fears accrued  over 1.5+ years...

Perhaps more profoundly, from Pierrepont trip I began to understand spiritual dynamics. Human relational conflicts at work or elsewhere, I believe, reflect spiritual dynamics as explained in 2 Corinthians 10:4-5: "For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;
 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ"

George always taught us that the first step to maturity is self-awareness. I now understand that our self-awareness must include spiritual awareness. That is, be aware of the spiritual warfare around us,  and with that awareness yield to the small still voice from the Spirit (1 King 19:12).

This last part is to me the most valuable takeaway. Although current job related people problems persist even deteriorate in some ways, I can now face them from the spiritual angle.
I'm learning to anchor my peace on believing "greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world. (1 John 4:4)". It is true we have a superior God as Pastor Ray taught us.

In closing, I would like to share this verse to encourage those who may be suffering dark moments like I did: 
2 Cor 1:3-4:  Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort;
Who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God."