Saturday, May 13, 2017

Practical Tips on Building Trust with Colleagues 

Key take away:

  1. Focus on self enrichment, the factor at work that is up to us. Our relating to colleagues may not always go our way. Speicifically, follow the teachings, and be a "益友" to attract "益友":《論語‧季氏篇》 子曰:「益者三友,損者三友;友直、友諒、友多聞,益矣;友便僻、友善柔、友便佞,損矣。 」 
  2. Seek first to understand, including culture differences and temperament differences e.g. Introvert vs extrovert, especially professional boundaries and privacy norms. See Ken's story below, and Penny's story, respectively.
  3. 多溝通少猜疑。 If you err, Err on the side of over communicate, that is for most of us. Do not assume your colleagues are already aligned and on board with your ideas and your understanding of the projects.
  4. Cut colleagues some slack and Be gentle. The Message Bible defines gentleness as "Not Needing To Force Our Way in Life"
  5. Be transparent: 
  • 有選擇地講
  • 講出來的,一定是事實


  •  a Japanese friend lost his job but, is he in the place to reach out and help him to find job, if the pride of the Japanese friend is such he does not want anyone to know he laid off?
  • How often do we damage trust out of seemingly good intentions but not executing well?
  • This example highlights two principles:
  1. Culture sensitivities that we ought to develop 
  2. Respect boundaries 


The VP of engineering, who is practically everyone's boss in her work place, has been a private person never socialize with new people of her. It makes her wonder: how can a new employee get close to someone like this and build trust?  Note: the said private boss surprised her to broke down in tears at a recent retirement party. 

  •   Vincent: trust can be build on professional interactions. we do not have to demaond friendships at work.
  1.  點頭之交
  2. 共同興趣
  3. 一起作丢的project
  4. 有信任基礎可以互相用反饋意見提醒對方的缺失


Practical Tips on Building Trust with Colleagues 

Key take away:

  1. Focus on self enrichment. 


  •  a Japanese friend lost his job but, is he in the place to reach out and help him to find job, if the pride of the Japanese friend is such he does not want anyone to know he laid off?
  • How often do we damage trust out of seemingly good intentions but not executing well?
  • This example highlights two principles:
  1. Culture sensitivities that we ought to develop 
  2. Respect boundaries 


The VP of engineering, who is practically everyone's boss in her work place, has been a private person never socialize with new people of her. It makes her wonder: how can a new employee get close to someone like this and build trust?  Note: the said private boss surprised her to broke down in tears at a recent retirement party. 

  1.   Vincent: trust can be build on professional interactions. we do not have to focus building friendships 





View). This is proportional more important as wen scale the number and complexity of mutual dependent tasks.


  • In answering questions: err on the side of over communicate. Because the common newbie error is to assume the colleagues have understood our POV (Points Of View).
  • Based on my QUALCOMM lessons, I could not agree more. At least with QUALCOMM, being a big company with fast moving parallel projects, I have observed that, despite repeated meetings and emails, I can almost never be sure that my key decisions will not surprise someone affected by them. 


Sunday, May 7, 2017



Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Can We have a Damon - Jill Jones

From Aug 6 2015
Jill's example: 10+ years suffering spirit of fear: panic / sweat / anxiety

Isiah 61

Luke 418The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised

The word "Solzo"

  • Saved
  • Healed

4 legs of the Good News:

  1.  Salvation to the Poor
  2. Heal / bind-up the brokenhearted / bind-up the shattered into pieces person
  3. Proclaim freedom to the prison ==> deliverance ministry for the people in bondage to:
    1. 30 ciggarates a day
    2. Anger
    3. Fear
  4. Come back again to proclaim the year of jubilee

In another words:
  1. Save them
  2. Heal them
  3. Cast out damons
  4. Proclaim His second coming

Disciples have to be healed

Luke 8: Mary called Madeline

Matt 28:
18And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.
19所以,你们要去,使万民 作我的门徒,奉 父、 子、 圣 灵 的名 给他们 施洗 
20凡 我所吩咐 你们的,都教训 他们 遵守, 我 就 常 与你们 同在,直到 世界 的末了。

What are Demons?

Demons are consequences for sin

9.2 The Heavenly Realms

There is a spiritual kingdom that submits to the will of God and a kingdom of darkness that opposes His will.
There is a spiritual battle taking place which affects every Christian.

  1. Basic Principles:
    1. God, the Creator, has sovereign power and authority over the created realms - the heavenly and the earthly realms
    2. Angels are that part of the heavenly realm which is in obedience to God.
    3. The Demonic realm is that part of the heavenly realm which is in rebellion against God. Satan is the head of the demonic realm. Demons are agents of Satan.
  2. The Demonic Realm:
    1. Demons are living beings and have specific characteristrics
    2. Death and Hell, Antichrist, Jezebel are examples of the "strongmen" that rule over demonic groups
    3. The desiire of Satan and his agents is to separate man from God

9.3 Power and Authority - Lost and Found

9.4 The basics of Demonic Intrusion in Man

Demons are consequences for sin

4 doors for demons to enter our house:
  1. Personal Sin
  2. Generational Sin
  3. Other people sin against us:
    1. Soul ties
  4. Accident and Trauma
    1. Lost consciousness
    2. Depression

  • Spirit of Infirmity: e.g. peter's mother with fever
  • Spirit of fear
  • Spirit of lust

  1. Can holy spirit and demonic spirit co-exist?
    1. Answer: Yes
  2. Can a Christian be demon possessed?
    1. Answer: No
    2. Luke 4: 
      1. 31And came down to Capernaum, a city of Galilee, and taught them on the sabbath days.
      2. 33 ¶ And in the synagogue there was a man, which had a spirit of an unclean devil (demon possessed), and cried out with a loud voice,
e.g. Satan worship in Detroit Aug 2015

Monday, May 1, 2017











































於發現別人的優點,並把它轉化成自己的長處,你就會成為聰明人; 學最好的別人,做最好的自己。借人之智,成就自己,此乃成功之道。