Monday, March 24, 2008

Mar 24, 2008 Suffering vs Cry for Help

The cry for help from Ling sadden me, caused me to reach deep into my heart.

Will the God of Salvation help us to come out of the crsis-mode conflict this time? Will He prove to be faithful? Will He be capable?
Lord, in my troubles I call to You, because dozens of times in the past You answered my pleas. I will continue to count on no one but You.

Thoughts on "Homeschool Fathers"
  • What are our spiritual goals for Tracy and Taylor?
    1. Form a habit to spend daily quiet time for spiritual things
    2. Choose to believe and be saved
    3. Form the habit to obey authorities on earth out of respect to God
    4. Write Bible verses in hearts
    5. Form the habit to tithe, to understand that it is not about "me/my glory" but "His Glory"
    6. Develop a kind heart, like a disciple of Jesus

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