Sunday, November 1, 2009

Thomas M. Zeng Mission Statement (was written May 16, 1997)

To find happiness, fullfilment and value in living, I will:

  1. Honor my Father's name. I am God's child, Meng Zi's descendant. Abraham's son. I'm special in my Father's eyes.
  2. Nurture my heart, cleanse it, keep it in touch with the device peace and orderliness.
  3. Listen, listen, listen before speak my truth clearly and quietly.
  4. Take up my responsiblitlies with passion and delayed gratifications.
The most important in life is 3M --Master, Mission, sm M. My Master is the Savior in heaven. My mission, as a computer professional, is to honor God and support my family with my job, serve the orphans in a future school where I teach. 

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