Saturday, May 7, 2011


五月二曰礼拜一我开会明 白RICH Stewart will try his best to put the performance team in a new project under Torrey Harmon or Tony Schwartz organizations.

Victor 和我也开始活动,想了解Torrey and Tony organizations' culture: are they working crazy hours?

1. In the modem L1 group, in Tony's line, Vinayak Chowdiah has been for 5 years. He told us the QCT L1 team works 12 hour days. Many burn out and move to QGOV.
2. In the Android Power team, Prasad Herur said he likes his job supporting many lines of Android phones: 40+. Works 10 hours days plus weekends. He told Victor he is on-call in evenings. His lead is reachable weekends too, much like target teams. I called Frank Zhang, who introduced me to Zhang Jun (Zhang, Xuejun). Jun called me yesterday (Friday) for ~40 minutes. Looks like he is evaluating me. He is very open. He visited HTC last month. He is Power Team. His team works with India in a 24-hour mode.

Victor found that Johny John in QCT Architecture group, parallel to Idris Mir, has just openned 10 reqs last week, for SW architecture people with power and performance focuses.

Victor asked me to try. We went to get RIch's permission first. Rich said it is important we make up our mind this time, in stead of changing after 3 month. He said we could send an email to Mark Guzzi to look for Architecture work.

I spent 2 hours updating resume to send to Mark Guzzi.

太多路, 太不确定, 我很七上八下。

Amazingly, this morning devotion brought comfort, great comfort:

3:3 不 可 使 慈 愛 誠 實 離 開 你 . 要 繫 在 你 頸 項 上 、 刻 在 你 心 版 上 .
3:4 這 樣 、 你 必 在   神 和 世 人 眼 前 蒙 恩 寵 、 有 聰 明 。
3:5 你 要 專 心 仰 賴 耶 和 華 、 不 可 倚 靠 自 己 的 聰 明 .
3:6 在 你 一 切 所 行 的 事 上 、 都 要 認 定 他 、 他 必 指 引 你 的 路 。

3:7 不 要 自 以 為 有 智 慧 . 要 敬 畏 耶 和 華 、 遠 離 惡 事 .

Victor and I did two things right: we both committed 100% to obey. We prayed earnestly together, for 40 minutes, and 10 minutes on Wed and Friday.

The 3rd step is to not make a decision until I have inquired of the Lord.

Though we didn't hear Angel's words to say Tony, Torrey or Gil, I know that I am to just live my life committed to Him; trust Him, and acknowledge Him when I have an impulse to move in one way or another direction.

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