Monday, August 13, 2012

Re-newed contacts

After I got to work this morning, I found a Skype message from Shuyi: she had switched to using her account not my in-laws!

That is why I lost contact yesterday.

When I studied "Wisdom for Today" at night, I re-confirmed the message from 2011: there is a hidden sin no one knows about but me. My pride about people I work with.

I wrote the same comment, the same day 2011, and 2012.

Eric Liddell said: (page 70 of "Complete Surrender"):

  • Quiet morning prayer.
  • Expectation that the Bible has a message for me that can be applied to my life day by day. 

How I wish I had read it in the morning, not at night. Would have made a different attitude out of me when I was in Trevor's office.

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