Saturday, May 18, 2013

4S Spring Fellowship Planning Session


1. Review the 3 month period since moving to ICL school
2. Define next phase plan for 3 to 6 months
3. How to welcome the 18 new people who may visit us? 


Our mission: 用活沷生動的方式吸引人信主.

Sean: 用多樣的活動好比網球活動或爬山

小孩們 sleepover 

Ask Deb Sims re. Awana. (Thomas action)

1. 9 yr boy
2. 4 and 6 yr girls
3. 5 And 9 yr girls
4. 6 Yr girl
5. 11 yr girl
6.  4 and 7 yr girl
7. Long jing 5 yr girl
8. Hayden 4 yr old boy
9. Weijie 6 yr girl 

Volleyball picnic:

Sat  volleyball 6/8 (Sean to coordinate)

Thomas to call vicent lee for equipment


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