Sunday, August 31, 2014


Pray for Fox News reporter Steven Sotloff in ISIS captive.

Stand firm on the promises of God

Strength flows to me as i wait for God's promises to come true.

"Everlasting God"

Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord
We will wait upon the Lord
We will wait upon the Lord

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Small Set back from where to bounce back

R丶從八月二十四起吃了5天的D-Testosterol TS. 或許因為那五天沒有去健身房,效果並不好。前天開始,藥方規定我要停兩天. 但我馬上經歷一個溝渠trough: 相對低的男性荷爾蒙,下體有些發麻,沒有力氣,缺乏衝勁, 但工作還好.

我在心裡呼求,禱告耶穌: 在我一去不返之前,求你讓我力量復原.

我立志push: Push Until Something Happens.

今天我在健身房作squating. 與李弟兄Vinson 打兩小時五局壁球.


昨天Vipul Gandhi 向我倒歉. 這是大的轉變。我要知道感恩.

(8/31: 昨晚及昨天下午睡了十小時,可能運動太累了.  

再有今早:7:18走路0.8, 跑步1.2 英里.  不知今天低男性荷爾蒙是否將有進步? 尤其晚上有poutluck.
  Answer: 不多,但 有些進步.

Found keys in my racketball bag.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Pushups at 38

This morning i reached 38 pushups.
Is D-Testorol TS making a difference? Was 31 two days ago.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Reflections and Possible Turning Point

Yesterday was a day of follow up appointment with Dr. Bortz. I must admit he was good to me. He gave me a challenge that if my testosterone level does not improve by Nov, I should start using the topical cream.

Here is a quick summary of blood work results:

1. Cholesterol: total level is 200, normal is 199 or lower.

2. Vitamin D, 25-Hydroxy is 49 ng/mL (improved from 14.7 in 6/2014, and 23 in 1/2014), normal is 30 to 100.

3. Testosterone   Serum level is 304 ng/dL, same as 6/2014, was 472 in 1/2014, normal range 348 - 1197.

4. Free Testosterone (direct) is 4.2 pg/mL, was 6.1 in 6/2014. Normal range: 6.8 - 21.5.

This morning I ran for 8 minutes and walked to 4S commons for breakfast.

I put my feet on the bench, and completed 31 push-ups - that was a lot than two weeks ago, when I could only complete 20 (same feet-elevated push-up style).

I got the SMMU-based CPZ to work on my board Thursday evening, ahead of the Monday deadline! Praise the Lord, He answered my prayers when I sought Him earnestly.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Pastor lam sermon

4. 在悲傷時立刻禱告向神傾訴心情


Pray with many prayers

2. 內容上: 敬拜,認罪, 感恩, 代求,(ACTS) 

 讀禱, eg Psalm 69

2. 姿勢上: 開聲, 默禱, 開眼, 閉眼, 合手,舉手, 站立, 坐下, 躺下。

3. Pray in the Spirit


   Seek His face not just His helping hand !

4. 堅持的禱告 pray with all perseverance

A. 在此警醒不倦!

B. 為何要不倦的求? 為何要等候?為何神不立刻回應?

禱告要PUSH:  Pray Until Something Happens

5) 具體的禱告 pray specifically



  JOFraser 在Lisu 族人的見證。

