Saturday, August 23, 2014

Reflections and Possible Turning Point

Yesterday was a day of follow up appointment with Dr. Bortz. I must admit he was good to me. He gave me a challenge that if my testosterone level does not improve by Nov, I should start using the topical cream.

Here is a quick summary of blood work results:

1. Cholesterol: total level is 200, normal is 199 or lower.

2. Vitamin D, 25-Hydroxy is 49 ng/mL (improved from 14.7 in 6/2014, and 23 in 1/2014), normal is 30 to 100.

3. Testosterone   Serum level is 304 ng/dL, same as 6/2014, was 472 in 1/2014, normal range 348 - 1197.

4. Free Testosterone (direct) is 4.2 pg/mL, was 6.1 in 6/2014. Normal range: 6.8 - 21.5.

This morning I ran for 8 minutes and walked to 4S commons for breakfast.

I put my feet on the bench, and completed 31 push-ups - that was a lot than two weeks ago, when I could only complete 20 (same feet-elevated push-up style).

I got the SMMU-based CPZ to work on my board Thursday evening, ahead of the Monday deadline! Praise the Lord, He answered my prayers when I sought Him earnestly.

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