Friday, September 12, 2014

Possible turn around unexpected solutions

Last Friday i was in deep trouble and deprssed. 

I went to Bortz office he recommended Clomid to me.

Tuesday 8/9 i completed abdominal CT scan it was clean: no cancer. My sickness is in my head and the chimicals, endocrine system.

Clomid is working: my energy is recovering today even after the harsh fearful words from  Azzedine yesterday.

Today i focuses on S2 apeture for 5 hours that helpped too.

Listened to a talk by rev Tim Keller on Discovering God in the midst of pain and sufferjngs.

My present suffering is result of previous 3 years of disordered life work and coworker approval became Priority No 1.

No wonder i suffer. The suffering may magnify my faults especially:

1. Recklessness 粗心
2. Coward 膽小

God j am in deep trouble please vhange my heart. 

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