Friday, July 15, 2016

Mind map to mature into servant leadership

Vincent updated the slides:

From: Thomas M Zeng <>
Date: Fri, Jul 15, 2016 at 9:44 PM
Subject: Re: [svlight] Re: Stepping up to leadership -- Growth in Mindset, and beyond
To: "" <>

Dear Friends,

Thank you for all who came to the Tuesday "mind map" discussions on maturing into a servant leader.
The slides is here:

 As I mentioned, one item on my map is to develop endurance to suffering while we actively wait, with patience.  I said I would share a story about John Wang, here you go:

By Shine Yu — Jun 26, 2016 4:30pm
紀念 John 大哥

1990 年來美 參加主恩堂 大約就在那時候也就認識 John and Dora. 他們人很親切.

印象較深刻的就是…應是1991(or 1992) 年… 那年John大哥失去工作..他失去工作大約有一年之久…這一年中..我看他還是保有一貫的smile, 很有主裡的信心.


當時的我還是學生…對北美學生生活…並無特別好感…特別對”失業”一詞懷有相當程度的恐懼. (可能在教會聽到許多弟兄姊妹在工作上的分享.)

學校畢業之後 我們也於1994 年搬到北加矽谷. 最記得剛上去時John and Dora 他們就立即來我們住的地方看我們. 記得John 大哥將他的手按在我的肩膀上…為我們禱告…說”不要怕”…那種暖暖的感覺..至今仍然感受到他們的愛心. 為此感謝 主的恩典.


20多年之後…我在聖地牙哥的Baron 超市碰到 John… 他依然告訴我不要怕. 因為當時我正在親身體會他當年走過的那一段路.

人生很有意思…生命的路程…因為 主的恩手帶領…處處充滿 主的恩典…

今年5月初..是我們最後見到John (在醫院裡) … 我謝謝他們當年的鼓勵…也謝謝Dora 要我為John 禱告…告訴他”不要怕”…我是何等小信心…然而他們仍容讓我能一起學習在 主裡的信心. 主的話語有功效..有能力.. 因為 主垂聽我們同心合意的禱告.

感謝 主帶領John回天家…他做工的果效必隨著他…雖然有人間不捨..但將來天家的聚首…喜樂將是大的. Praise to the Lord.
We agreed to two actions. One is to work on your own mind map and bring to future meetings for group discussion.

The other is to share the books we read. For example, I said I would share the list of books that Uncle John (and in some case his wife Pastor Dora) led me to read:

  1. Let Your Life Speak: Listening for the Voice of Vocation by Parker J Palmer and Called by Mark Laberton, These  two books are the ones  Uncle John was reading last summer when I visited him in San Francisco. The theme is "begin with the end in mind".

  2. The Gift of Work  ;  John wanted to steer me to view work as blessing and not curse.
  3. Addiction and Grace, I read this book to reflect and heighten awareness of my subtle addiction to parental approvals from people outside of family of origin.
  4. Creativity, Inc. John recommended this book to my colleague Victor Wong. I am going through the audio book right now.

What books draw your fancy lately?

Best regards,

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