Tuesday, March 31, 2020

zero tolerance: 防备松懈

Last Sunday, the sermon by Brother George Chu brought up an important revelation to me:
- the Broken Window Theory (see this link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Broken_windows_theory).

"The broken windows theory is a criminological theory that states that visible signs of crime, anti-social behavior, and civil disorder create an urban environment that encourages further crime and disorder, including serious crimes."

Apply to self management, or MOS - Managing One Self in general, and time management in particular, if I tolerate one slack in schedule, I will start a 松懈 path, a slippery slope.

So, for my next quarter, my focus ought to be: 
1. Zero tolerance of weekly goals
2. More importantly, zero tolerance of repentance in relating to my Father.

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