Saturday, September 20, 2008

More on Accident: X-ray Images

The most complex injury consists of the extensive left hemi pelvis fractures:

  1. Fracture through the left iliac crest

  2. Distraction of the more lateral fracture fragment and up to approximately 2.2cm of displacement of the peripheral fracture fragment anterior medially.

  3. A comminuted intra-articular fracture complex involving anterior, middle and posterior thirds of the left cetabulum with small displaced fracture fragments seen.

  4. Fracture lines extend to the articular surface both superiorly, medially, anteriorly and posteriorly.

  5. The widening of left hip joint compatible with effusion/hemarthrosis.

  6. Fractures of the left superior and inferior pubic rami

  7. Left inferior pubic ramus fracture is angulated approximately 144 degrees using 180 degrees as a straight line reference.

The fracture was so complex it took two separate operations.

  1. The first operation was to do an open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) of the posterior aspect of the acetabular fracture and the iliac crest. Incision made Kocher-Langenbeck in the posterior aspect of the pelvis and carried down through skin and fascia. ... the external rotator
  2. The second operation was an ORIF of both-column acetabular fracture, left hip, and pelvic fracture, anterior pelvic ring, using plates and screws, accomplished through an anterior approach, ilioinguinal. See:
For back ground information, see paper below:

Reduction and Internal Fixation of Acetabular Fracturesthrough the Kocher-langenbeck Approach. Tips and Tricks.

FRÉDÉRIC LAUDEClinique des Lilas - 93260 Les LilasHôpital de la Pitié - 75013 Paris - France

This X-ray was dated Aug 24, 2008. It shows 7 broken ribs.
This X-ray was dated Sep 2. It showed the pins, plates and screws still in my body. Total weight according to Dr. Tonks: about one pound.

I received over 90 staples to close the incision (or surgical cut).

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