Sunday, August 25, 2013

ARM SOC Computer Architecture Overview and Discussions

SOC stands for System On Chip, a techlogoy that shrinks a circuit board size of a desktop to an ASIC (App Specific Integrate Chip) that is size of a penny.
You can find the background comparing ARM vs. X86 SOC architecture in this Aug 2013 article:
The take away from the meeting is that each of us can view our current position at work as "my place" of blessing.
I have one more thing to add: at SVLight, we come together to learn from each other. To quote
Next week, John Wang will share "why he loved his job": Techology Failure Analysis.
In my mind, John is one of those 學識及經驗淵博的高人, and he loves me/us deeply that he offers to freely share with us his insight.

朱正中老师的讲座录像 (in Youtube)

May 21, 2011: 朱正中弟兄 主讲"时间管理"职场专题讲座 Sep 10, 2011 Influence without authority如何提高個人的影響力 1/5 1 Wi-Fi

2012 周六2月11日 繼續討論如何提高個人的影響力,並會側重於如下: - 如何積極有效地影響你的主管和你的下屬此類具體的話題; - 重新回顧建立有效影響力的諸多關鍵事項; - 幫助大家找到各自可以提高的領域,以便最後制定出一個可執行的計劃。 如何提高個人的影響力 4

Feb 2013 在工作中如何善用EQ(1)


Feb 28, 2013  Sorrento Valley Fellowship Faith and Work Panel SeriesSession I: A Purpose-driven Career

April 17, 2013

May 11, 2013


Saturday, August 24, 2013

On Thursday, during Davide's meeting, I realized the kind of 忌 恨 threatening to hold me hostage.
17 因 為 情 慾 和 聖 靈 相 爭 , 聖 靈 和 情 慾 相 爭 , 這 兩 個 是 彼 此 相 敵 , 使 你 們 不 能 做 所 願 意 做 的 。
How immature! This emotional world, part of the soul. Like Zim Okoli said, this soul ought to be subject to sactificaiton by the Spirit. Zim recommended Watchman Nie's "the Spiritual Man".

The said sactification is long over due!
19 情 慾 的 事 都 是 顯 而 易 見 的 , 就 如 姦 淫 、 污 穢 、 邪 蕩 、

20 拜 偶 像 、 邪 術 、 仇 恨 、 爭 競 、 忌 恨 、 惱 怒 、 結 黨 、 紛 爭 、 異 端 、

21 嫉 妒 ( 有 古 卷 在 此 有 : 兇 殺 二 字 ) 、 醉 酒 、 荒 宴 等 類 。 我 從 前 告 訴 你 們 , 現 在 又 告 訴 你 們 , 行 這 樣 事 的 人 必 不 能 承 受 神 的 國 。

Monday, August 19, 2013

My Struggle with the Fruits

I have struggles with basic virtues. 

In Houston airport 20 minutes ago Taylor called me names: idiot, for instructing him to download a book, The Power of Positive Thinking to ipad: my iPad.

In return, i threatened to beat him good. He felt worried briefly. I did not do anything: i just stayed silent.

Yesterday on our way back from the Mymonth Caves National Park, we wanted to find an outlet center near Elizavethtown KY. The google map directed us to wrong exit. I tried to take over the map finding. Shuyi asked me to move away from car behind but agter moving twice i got angry with her, saying or shouting  i do not care!
My attitude angered her.
We cancelled the trip to the mall.

Needless to say, my mood sank into an abyss: Lord please bring me to place of peace and harmony.


常被垂樂笑我"you do not know a thing about minecraft or this and that". 
When dining with Daniel Tsui, Emily, Mara and Yuanyuan Kang, i also felt out paced:l. Compared to Shuyi i am not as articulate as graceful in speach in manners. At Mingxi party or yesterday at 4s chirch, i felt out of place with my fellow believers, lonely and fearful.
Hence my identity crisis continues: 孤獨又慘淡. 從前天在肯塔基我在尋求主的再次回應. 
果真主還是可靠的,仍然信實:今天靈修回了我的提同: 祂要與我為伴侶,這是靠譜又蓋章封印簽約,不爭的事實。

Through the Blood the Cross, He has defeated Sin's power to separate us from    our Maker.

况且祂為我受羞辱,孤獨又慘淡,約19:1-4. He shares my feeling my sense of 孤獨又慘淡. What a friend He is to me!


Saturday, August 17, 2013

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Conversation with Tay and Tray about dying

Shuyi's grandfather passed away 8/8/13 at 96 year old in his home in Lexington, KY.
Tray understands the concept of death and human struggles: we talked in depth my depression my difficulties in accepting myself. This time, 8/10/13, we talked about Mingxi party, how i was nervous around a group of strangers. She empathized with me. I said i took the step to accept nervousness. Like Wreck it Ralph. I decided to not hide my clumsiness and my inferior complex.

Taylor and i discussed what he would say if it were my funeral. He said he miss me even as one would if a habitual annoyance suddenly departed, like sleeping next to snoring person for a longtime, you will miss that noise. I said i do not buy that but he has the right to model life that way.

He would that i left my mark because he will get a job due to my pushing him. Interesting. 

I asked him to protect mom on my behalf and tray.

"Your mom is special: honor her."
He nodded.


Friday, August 9, 2013

Unfailing Faith vs Fallible Self

Yesterday the real bad SMMM trax modeling numbers shocked like a torpedo. I was so assumptuous  when pushed Brother colead to reduce. How little can i rely on my own instinct! Lord thank you for this lesson of humility!
This was shared by Mingxi:


by Jonathan Edwards-

Humility may be defined to be a habit of mind and heart
corresponding to our comparative unworthiness and vileness
before God; or a sense of our own comparative lowness in His
sight, with the disposition to a behavior answerable thereto.

A truly humble man is sensible of the small extent of his
knowledge, and the great extent of his ignorance, and of the
small extent of his understanding, as compared with the
understanding of God. 

He is sensible of his weakness, how little his strength is,
and how little he is able to do. 

He is sensible of his natural distance from God,
of his dependence on Him,
of the insufficiency of his own power and wisdom;
and that it is by God's power that he is upheld and provided for;
and that he needs God's wisdom to lead and guide him,
and His might to enable him to do what he ought to do for Him. 

Humility tends to prevent an aspiring and
ambitious behavior among men. 

The man that is under the influence of a humble spirit is content
with such a situation among men, as God is pleased to allot to
him, and is not greedy of honor, and does not affect to appear
uppermost and exalted above his neighbors. 

Humility tends also to prevent an arrogant and assuming behavior. 

On the contrary, humility, disposes a person to a condescending
behavior to the meekest and lowest, and to treat inferiors with
courtesy and affability, as being sensible of his own weakness
and despicableness before God. 

If we then consider ourselves as the followers of the meek
and lowly and crucified Jesus, we shall walk humbly before
God and man all the days of our life on earth.

Let all be exhorted earnestly to seek much of a humble spirit, and
to endeavor to be humble in all their behavior toward God and men. 

Seek for a deep and abiding sense of your
comparative lowness before God and man. 

Know God. 

Confess your nothingness and ill-desert before Him. 

Distrust yourself. 

Rely Only On Christ. 

Renounce all glory except for Him. 

Yield yourself heartily to His will and service. 

Avoid an aspiring, ambitious, ostentatious, assuming, arrogant,
scornful, stubborn, willful, leveling, self-justifying behavior;
and strive for more and more of the humble spirit that Christ
manifested while He was on earth. 

Humility is a most essential and distinguishing trait
in all true piety. 

Earnestly seek then; and diligently and prayerfully
cherish a humble spirit, and God shall walk with
you here below; and when a few more days shall have
passed, He will receive you to the honors
bestowed on His people at Christ's right hand

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Grateful Under Aflictions

On the bus Pratik Patel gave positive feedback on my Debug Monitor architecture. This is much neede in these days full of set backs pain and afflictions. I am mostly thankful to My Lord. I do not deserve it but i am given much blessings and growth opportunities. Luke 17:
16 又 俯 伏 在 耶 穌 腳 前 感 謝 他 . 這 人 是 撒 瑪 利 亞 人 。16 And fell down on his face at his feet, giving him thanks: and he was a Samaritan.
17 耶 穌 說 、 潔 淨 了 的 不 是 十 個 人 麼 . 那 九 個 在 那 裡 呢 。

Monday, August 5, 2013


I watched Ken Blanchard clip on "how i lead myself", in which he described  the practice of writing ones obituary.

Here is mine:

The man passed away while surrounded by his family.

He is survived by his two children, who shared his vision rooted in commitment to Loving God.

His friends came to his death bed including:
1. Ouyang Youwen
2. SijianZhang 
3. Longxin Gu
4. Min Hui?
5. Tomas Pfister?
6. Antai?

He devoted his life searching for meaning. Once found, he treasured it with his known endurance: all that he had he gave to what is most meaningful.

He read tirelessly to gain awareness of the state of the art of wisdom.

He is a seer. He can picture what is to come. He sensed his callings to share his vision with the younger grneration his children and youth in his class.



1.  How to stabilize the regular attenders?
2. Next challenge: how to reach out to non-believers?


1. How to stay on topic in the meeting hour?
2. Dedicate one session for review
3. How to hold each other accountable?
Reflect on application



I watched Ken Blanchard clip on "how i lead myself", in which he described  the practice of writing ones obituary. 

Here is mine:

The man passed away while surrounded by his family. His friends came to his death bed including:
1. Ouyang Youwen
2. SijianZhang 
3. Longxin Gu
4. Min Hui?
5. Tomas Pfister?
6. Antai?

He devoted his life searching for meaning. Once found, he held on with his known endurance.

He is a seer. He can picture what is to come. He sensed his callingnis to share his vision with the younger grneration his children and youth in his class.