Monday, August 5, 2013


I watched Ken Blanchard clip on "how i lead myself", in which he described  the practice of writing ones obituary.

Here is mine:

The man passed away while surrounded by his family.

He is survived by his two children, who shared his vision rooted in commitment to Loving God.

His friends came to his death bed including:
1. Ouyang Youwen
2. SijianZhang 
3. Longxin Gu
4. Min Hui?
5. Tomas Pfister?
6. Antai?

He devoted his life searching for meaning. Once found, he treasured it with his known endurance: all that he had he gave to what is most meaningful.

He read tirelessly to gain awareness of the state of the art of wisdom.

He is a seer. He can picture what is to come. He sensed his callings to share his vision with the younger grneration his children and youth in his class.



1.  How to stabilize the regular attenders?
2. Next challenge: how to reach out to non-believers?


1. How to stay on topic in the meeting hour?
2. Dedicate one session for review
3. How to hold each other accountable?
Reflect on application


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