Saturday, October 12, 2013

Repost an Old Diary 1/27/2007 Seven Steps to Heal Damaged Emothings

Since childhood I have an enemy named "Tender Spots".
It has been more than a year since he attached me. But he strikes back in
the openning weeks of 2007.
D. Briggs taught the effective 7 steps of fighting tender spots. Use it, and
the transcending power of creative imagination, I shall overcome. Because I
have some winning experience in this battle field.
  1.        Accept the current setback.
    1. Accept the bad feelings. I failed miserably, shamefully on Jan 11's speech "ABCs of R&D Project Management". I accumulated even more debt when I broke my own rules (by checking in a bad pssim change). I felt ashamed by Shawn's insult.
    2. How could I be so reckless at the Toastermasters?
    3. How could I be so greedy to check in little changes two hours after Jignesh sent out the email to stop checking in?
    4. How could I be late to Gary's performance review preparation meeting? How more stupid could I possibly be?
  2. Fully embrace my unique feelings. Yes, even bad ones.
    1. I can't believe I easily gave away my Toastmaster achievements of 2006. I ought know better about rehearsals. I ought know better "first things first". Rather than "getting involved with 1.2.1 merge", I should have spent the day on HL for MoB?
    2.  How more stupid could I be! How useless! How \em stubborn! How weak! How short-of-discipline! How childish! How immature! How imprisoned I am by work! How imprisoned I am by guilt!
    3. How could I aimlessly spent time to catch up work yet ignoring Shuyi, Tracy, Taylor and Dad, let alone friends! Let alone church, let alone cell group to which I am the lead.
  3. Draw the link between current over-reaction-feelings with childhood traumas.
    1. Dad came on Dec 26, 2006. He has lots of "debts" (in the moral sense as discussed in chapter 2 of the book, Healing for Damaged Emotions by David A. Seamands).
    2. He and mom used guilt-trips to bring up me and Ling.
    3. My childhood had a great deal of emotional damages.
  4. Recall the past events. Recall as many details as I can. Relive it. Embrace it.
    1. Name one: my mistake to overturn the portable propane stove.
    2. I was verbaly abused at age of 8. I kneeled on washing board. My cry for mercy and help was ignored with dad's stone-walled face.
    3. He had no emotional capacity to feel what I felt. I got no tender love from my earthly father.
  5. Let the pain be felt as if it happens today.
    1. It was bad. Very painful. To have no tender love from dad.
    2. I longed for his love. I got nothing from dad.
    3. I felt so cold when he was around.
    4. He sighed all the time. He laid in bed, sighing. He was totaly occupied with his own emotional pain.
    5. There was hardly any emotional interaction, other than cold spells from him.
    6. I much rather spent time at other's homes. I can't believe that I had no desire to be home. My desire was for emotional closeness.
    7. I desired for intimacy. I didn't get any. I was rejected. I was dejected.
    8. Ni Zhe Ge Chu Shen! Nie Zhang! Chu Sheng! Mei Yong De Dong Xi. SHen Ni, NI Shi Lai Yao Wo Meng De Ming De! Wo Shang Bei ZI Zhou Liao Shen Mo Ye Wo! GO kill yourself!
    9. I felt so unfair! I hated him!
  6. Change the script so as to forgive him. How could I ?
    1. I supposed he could have told me his dad: never spent much time with his dad. Grandpa was always doing business out of town or in Communist's jail.
    2. His childhood was tradgic. Worse than a tragedy. It was a night mare.
    3. He asked for my understanding. He told me that mom was a God sent to lift up us. He loves me.
    4. He wanted to pay back his debt. He learnt how to cook to express his remorse. He did chores for Ling. He is doing chores for me.
    5. He told me that he can't express his love to me in words. So he does it in actions. Amen!Praise the Lord. Thank you dad!
  7. Go out to have some recreations. Keep in mind such over-reactive-feelings may re-occur!
Late last night, I began to wonder: why dad had no emotional capacity to feel what I felt?
  1. I thought about his dad, my grandpa. Grandpa spent from 1951 to 1976 in Chinese Gulag, in a coal mine 四川省大邑县新源劳改煤矿 (现新源监狱). Dad was devasted and deprived of fatherly love himself.
    1. Worse, he witnessed grandpa's mock execution. That scared dad to death at age of 9. Talking about emotinal damage!
  2. The above thoughts about my dear grandpa, whom I saw twice only when I was 9, warmed my heart in that fateful night. I no longer felt dejected. I know there were good reasons for my emotional starvations in my childhood.
  3. Praise the Lord. I overcame my bitterness for my emotional starvations in my childhood.
  4. But, what are the purposes of my current emotional struggles at work? My feelings of anxiety due to too many things to complete, my feeling of not being respected, my feelings of, occasionaly, panic?
  5. I believe the purposes are:
    1. to teach me self-control;
    2. to teach me how to persever;
    3. to teach me to be still and wait on the Lord to right my wrongs.
PS。 Post about 四川省大邑县新源劳改煤矿 from

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