In Ellel Pierrepont
Isaiah 50 The Servant Perseveres
4 主耶和华赐我受教者的舌头,使我知道怎样用言语扶助疲乏的人。主每早晨提醒,提醒我的耳朵,使我能听,像受教者一样。
4 The sovereign Lord has given me the capacity to be his spokesman, so that I know how to help the weary. He wakes me up every morning; he makes me alert so I can listen attentively as disciples do.
5 主耶和华开通我的耳朵,我并没有违背,也没有退后。
5 The sovereign Lord has spoken to me clearly; I have not rebelled, I have not turned back.
6 人打我的背,我任他打。人拔我腮颊的胡须,我由他拔。人辱我吐我,我并不掩面。
6 I offered my back to those who attacked, my jaws to those who tore out my beard; I did not hide my face from insults and spitting.
7 主耶和华必帮助我,所以我不抱愧。我硬着脸面好像坚石,我也知道我必不至蒙羞。
7 But the sovereign Lord helps me, so I am not humiliated. For that reason I am steadfastly resolved; I know I will not be put to shame.
8 称我为义的与我相近。谁与我争论,可以与我一同站立。谁与我作对,可以就近我来。
8 The one who vindicates me is close by. Who dares to argue with me? Let us confront each other! Who is my accuser? Let him challenge me!
9 主耶和华要帮助我。谁能定我有罪呢?他们都像衣服渐渐旧了,为蛀虫所咬。
9 Look, the sovereign Lord helps me. Who dares to condemn me? Look, all of them will wear out like clothes; a moth will eat away at them.
10 你们中间谁是敬畏耶和华听从他仆人之话的。这人行在暗中,没有亮光,当倚靠耶和华的名,仗赖自己的神。
10 Who among you fears the Lord? Who obeys his servant? Whoever walks in deep darkness, without light, should trust in the name of the Lord and rely on his God.
11 凡你们点火用火把围绕自己的。可以行在你们的火焰里,并你们所点的火把中。这是我手所定的。你们必躺在悲惨之中。
11 Look, all of you who start a fire and who equip yourselves with flaming arrows, walk in the light of the fire you started and among the flaming arrows you ignited! This is what you will receive from me: you will lie down in a place of pain.
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