Sunday, May 29, 2016

Answered Prayers and other Thanksgiving

Today's verse to remerber:

Proverb 16:9. We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps.

Col 3:23

   Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart.  (Required Obedience, and put in all your weight, Full commit)
23 无论作什么,都要从心里作,像是给主作的,不是给人作的。

Yesterday 5/29:

0. Morning Men's Frllowship and then devotion were very uplifting 
1. Taylor said goodbye to John, got a photo to remember, and felt at peace. I prayed that Taylor would value every relationship, and this is an important start.
2. Colin and I had an ice breaking chat, however briefly, at the team building party  Friday. 
3. I jumped to end of The Sopranos and bing-watched the German Generation War

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