I did not anticipate that Colin Sharp did use GPU error conceal feature to argue against single stage, which no doubt enhances fault model in my vision. What does TZMP2 write about fault model? And HVX?
On my side, discipline is the theme: I did follow through on the pmm client driver prototype and had hacking session with Mitchel. One more to go with Satyaki.
Need to summarize S2 faults to Colin, but I did spend about 8 hours to update SMMU memory sharing and Virtualization CPAS after the priority call from Colin.
Send him list of things cannot be done w/o adding Mark Woh.
Brainstorm with AT Master-side RGOS as SW products, to pitch to Bobby
下面這個例子比較有代表性,Uncle John願意放下自己的學術成就,配合Dora 的教牧生涯。Uncle John最大的心願之一,是見到他所愛的年輕人、下一代可以得豐盛喜樂生命成長作光和鹽。他生命最後六個月的樂趣之一,是在研讀兩本書:"Called" and "Let Your Life Speak To You". 兩本書共同之處,是關於以終為始,用終極關懷整合平日的大小決定。受他的影響,我也讀了,在電話裏丶短信里我們討論過,在他病不重時候我們在病床也談過。他還影響到我的老二,因為我們倆人去年十一月在他的三藩市祖房住過幾天。
從五月底開始,Uncle John病重處於昏迷中。有一天碰到一位年長的護士,她告訴我病人仍有聽覺、建議我們跟他談天。於是我就把我這一段的心情告訴昏迷中的Uncle John, 跟他說有多麼捨不得他,因他教我懂得無條件接受別人;告訴他最近我的老二,受他影響讀了一遍"Let Your Life Speak"(注二),而且喜歡這本書。告訴他我常聽他喜歡的"一粒麥子"(注一)那首歌,我喜歡"把自己埋下丶用盡,結出有生命的子粒"的意境,我說我覺得他就是一個默默放棄應有的權利,為我們被埋下被用盡的麥子。我說我理解、也認同他的選擇,他讓自己象種子落在地裡,失喪生命反得到生命。"呼召如此崇高,種子何等渺小",但感情上,我仍捨不得他離開。
I anticipate the discussion with Colin Sharp may come with unexpected turns. Let us see whether he still insists on uniform random uncorrelated allocator behaviors in both stages. But he cannot argue against single stage, which was the plan in 2013 and the spec in TZMP2.
On my side, discipline is the theme: I need to follow through on the pmm client driver prototype: leverage Mitchel and Satyaki.
8 hours: update SMMU memory sharing and Virtualization CPAS after the priority call from Colin, but first forward Dafna request to Colin, and build a list of cannot-be-done items, such as filing ARB items which has very high visibility 100% taken by CoreBSP up to now
Brainstorm with Colin Master-side RGOS as SW products, to pitch to Bobby
Sperm donor #48s: his 6 children found each other but not him
1 John 4:13-17
This relates to image of John last night in my dream. In a graduation like setting, he appeared on stage behind glass like a Tesla show room, full of health and full of blessed assurance.
Love Gid Genuinely
1. Logically: what the Bible teaches
2. Emotionally: openly share your feelings with God in prayers
3. Spiritually : seek the truth
4. Action: trust and obey
Mark Twin: there are two important days: the day you were born and the day you found why you were born
If I went with what I wanted, I would go with a Biomedical Engineer. A biomedical engineer is, of course, closely associated with engineering, which is a life long dream job of mine. Also, a perk of Biomedical Engineering is that I don't have to do customer service, which is sometimes a pain. But if I went with logic, I would take the pharmacist job since, as the doctor bills sudgest, get a ton of money. But, the reason why I don't want this job is: one, it has nothing to do with engineering, and two, you have to do basically a retail job at a cashier. Also nutrition is hard, with multiple factors and a balance that can never be upset. So, in conclusion, if I go with what I want, I would be a Biomedical Engineer, but if I wanted the ridiculously high pay, I would go with a pharmacist.
Top 3 things to feel grateful in Week 22 from May 29 to June 4
Healed of stomach sickness and return from PM weakness to strength (prayer answered)
Inspired during morning devotions after Men's Group on May 29
TZMP2 call flows vindicated my Bear proposal with protected VMs using s2 only, and I aslo wrote skeleton code in 414au kernel 3.18 called pmm_client_driver.
Top 3 things for next week:
Finish two outstanding IDFs
Finish my coding on Linux side, Talk to Satyajit re architecture violations, and show him my patchset
Clarify hypervisor layer requirements and share with MSFT, and update SMMU and Virtualization CPAS