Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Prayer Meeting Items

  1. Hang: USC filming school tour: let God guide Nathan to college
  2. Hang: let the network rollout tomorrow succeed.
  3. Men's retreat: let more people come on 6/18
  4. Bonding of the brothers in the summer
  5. Bonding of the sisters in the summer
  6. 大衛工作去向及出差減少頻度
  7. Victor: 感恩丶太多的祝福。角聲租場地: 求神開門
  8. MaryQin:flying to Tennese to be trained as a sales person of children's books, door to door
  9. Pastoral and Council retreat from Friday to Sat: Listening to God's voice, Dr Scorges to lead. 

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