Sunday, June 12, 2016

Week #23 Plan

I anticipate the discussion with Colin Sharp may come with unexpected turns. Let us see whether he still insists on uniform random uncorrelated allocator behaviors in both stages. But he cannot argue against single stage, which was the plan in 2013 and the spec in TZMP2.

On my side, discipline is the theme: I need to follow through on the pmm client driver prototype: leverage Mitchel and Satyaki.
  1. 8 hours: update SMMU memory sharing and Virtualization CPAS after the priority call from Colin, but first forward Dafna request to Colin, and build a list of cannot-be-done items, such as filing ARB items which has very high visibility 100% taken by CoreBSP up to now
  2. Brainstorm with Colin Master-side RGOS as SW products, to pitch to Bobby
  3. IDF on locking TLBs and release by HW signals

Top 3 things for the weeks to follow:
  1. Reach out to Mike Jager re KPI experience
  2. Reach out to Bobby re SW as products

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