Monday, October 31, 2016

Week #39 Reviews and Plans

  1. Translate Richardson's chapter on Practicing God's Healing Presence for Pastor Angela to review
  2. Fix andorra toilet leaks
  3. Install activity monitor on Game Machine
  4. Ask Taylor to arrange his own affairs and schedule things with phone calls
  5. Get with Shaolin Kong re college educations
  6. talk to Lucy re college prep
  7. Talk to Petry about ARM job
Faithful at Work:

  1. Summarize TAC SHM for Bobby
  2. Summarize Monolithic Scheduler for Bobby
  3. Summarize SMMU for Crypto DMA for Bobby
    1. Finished Crypto HPG and produce 3 slides on Crypto Without BAM or scatter-gather
    2. Daneh's Crypto classes
  4. Compile the table of Napali-Q SMMU requirements
  5.  Put together changes to my network
  6. W3. Prepare Audio call flows for training: Follow up Arun Mirpuri / Banajit
  7. W4. Reimburse trip / interview lunch
  8. W4. Compete SMMU workshop actions on clocking and DMA VM: waiting for agreement with ARM
  1. Write my own ARMv8 classes
    1. describe different v8.2 Instruction Cache types: AIVIPT/VIPT/PIPT/ VMID Aware PIPT
    2. Explain Error Synchronization Barrier
Career Self-improve:

  1. Learn vim and cscope: try it on trusty code
  2. Prepare Trip of Apolog
  4. Read sections on MemTypes of ARMv8 ARM rev.J
  5. Read sections on Point of Persistency ARMv8 and 8.2
  7. -- Study exclusive page-frame patches 
  8. -- take Moneh Crypto classes 

Homework for Stephen Caring Class: Write down morning quiet time experience

This morning, I woke up at 4:30am with a bad dream. In my dream, I was notified by my management chain (the boss of my boss) that I was affected by layoff. I was shocked by how ruthless and cold the process felt. Like the saying goes, there is no loyalty in the workplace.

And later in the morning, my devotion was on 3 Lamentations with these vivid verses:

He walled me in so I couldn’t escape; he made my chains heavy.Even though I call out and cry for help, he silences my prayer.
14 I have become a joke to all my people, the object of their song of ridicule all day long.15 He saturated me with grief, made me choke on bitterness.16 He crushed my teeth into the gravel; he pressed me down into the ashes.17 I’ve[d] rejected peace; I’ve forgotten what is good.18 I thought: My future is gone, as well as my hope from the Lord. 
The word pictures vividly reflected my emotions in the days after AC3.0 failed to launch in Bear, around Jan 2014. That was also when I spiraled down to deep depression.

I wish I had took in this part of Lamentations, back in early days of 2014, because
amazing, the Bible captured my pain more accurately than I could do myself!

Week #37 Reviews and Plans

Week #37 Reviews and Plans
  1. F3. Fix andorra toilet leaks
  2. Taylor to arrange his own affairs and schedule things with phone calls
  3. Talk to Tracy about her college advisor
  4. Consult Lucy and Brian Petry about college planning
  5. Transfer photos and music to new MacMini
Career Self-improve:
  1. Learn vim and cscope: try it on trusty code
  2. Attend ARMv8 classes
  3. Build Trusty, but first NDK
  4. Try TAC SHM on Op-TEE / Linux Gen Tee
  5. Read one chapter of ARMv8 ARM rev.K
  6. -- Study exclusive page-frame patches 
  7. -- Read Purdue professor Schneider's "Security Systems Class Notes"
Faithful at Work:
  1. Compile the table of Napali-Q SMMU requirements
  2. Napali-Q Workshop
  3. Finished Crypto HPG and produce  3 slides on Crypto Without BAM or scatter-gather
  4. Sketch IOMMU HAL to abstract v2 and v3
  5. Prototype TAC SHM
  6. Study and summarize Trusty?
  7. W3. Prepare Audio call flows for training: Follow up Arun Mirpuri
  8. W4. Reimburse trip / interview lunch
  9. W4. Compete SMMU workshop actions on clocking and DMA VM: waiting for agreement with ARM

Week #38 Reviews and Plans


  • Walk with dad
  • Read Richardson's chapter on Sexual Addiction and Its Healing
  1. Read Jill's book on Sexual Passion / Addiction
  • Walk with Kenny and into to ingenu
  1. Write diary with Ps 13
  2. Fix andorra toilet leaks
  3. Install activity monitor on Game Machine
  4. Ask Taylor to arrange his own affairs and schedule things with phone calls
  5. Work on college app forms on Del Norte website
  6. talk to Lucy re college prep
  7. Talk to Petry about ARM job
Career Self-improve:

  1. Learn vim and cscope: try it on trusty code
  2. Prepare Trip of Apology
  3. Attend ARMv8 classes
  4. describe different v8.2 Instruction Cache types: AIVIPT/VIPT/PIPT/ VMID Aware PIPT
  5. Explain Error Synchronization Barrier
  6. Build Trusty, but first NDK
  7. Try TAC SHM on Op-TEE / Linux Gen Tee
  8. Read sections on MemTypes of ARMv8 ARM rev.J
  9. Read sections on Point of Persistency ARMv8 and 8.2
  10. Read / document xN[1:0] ie S2 PTE[54:53] on v8.2
  11. Describe the control of exe in EL0 and EL1 at stage 2 using PTE[54:53] = xN[1:0]
  12. -- Study exclusive page-frame patches 
  13. -- take Moneh Crypto classes 
  14. -- Read Purdue professor Schneider's "Security Systems Class Notes"
Faithful at Work:

  1. Compile the table of Napali-Q SMMU requirements
  2. Napali-Q Workshop
  3. Finished Crypto HPG and produce 3 slides on Crypto Without BAM or scatter-gather
  4. Review SMMUv3 spec to update IOMMU HAL to abstract v2 and v3
  5. Review protected media spec in light of IOMMU HAL 
  6. Prototype TAC SHM
  7. Set up sync with Paul and Brian after Study and summarize Trusty?
  8. W3. Prepare Audio call flows for training: Follow up Arun Mirpuri
  9. W4. Reimburse trip / interview lunch
  10. W4. Compete SMMU workshop actions on clocking and DMA VM: waiting for agreement with ARM

Sunday, October 30, 2016

5 languages of Apology

From the book Five Languages of Apology:  chapman and thomas

1. I am sorry
2. I was wrong
3. What can I do to make it right?
4. I'll try not to do that again
5. Will you please forgive me?

Without clarifications in #3, we may become misconstrued. Tech arguments may escalate into "harassment", for instance, with the connotation of sexual or worse, conducts.

Life can stink, and apologies serve to disinfect.

For amusement, I enjoy self-deprecating song by Sting but changed by Jonny Cash. nontheless, I like the Bruce Springsteen version:

"I Hung My Head" is a song written by the singer-songwriter Sting and released on the 1996 album Mercury Falling. It reflects Sting's childhood fondness for TV Westerns, as well as his avowed interest in Country music, but also - as so often with Sting - tackles deeper and more philosophical themes of life and death, justice and redemption. In 2002, Johnny Cash covered the song in the album American IV: The Man Comes Around.
I Hung My Head
Early one morning
With time to kill
I borrowed Jebb's rifle
And sat on a hill
I saw a lone rider
Crossing the plain
I drew a bead on him
To practice my aim
My brother's rifle
Went off in my hand
A shot rang out
Across the land
The horse, he kept running
The rider was dead
I hung my head
I hung my head
I set off running
To wake from the dream
My brother's rifle
Went into the sheen
I kept on running
Into the south lands
That's where they found me
My head in my hands
The sheriff he asked me
Why had I run
And then it come to me
Just what I had done
And all for no reason
Just one piece of lead
I hung my head
I hung my head
Here in the court house
The whole town was there
I see the judge
High up in the chair
Explain to the court room
What went through your mind
And we'll ask the jury
What verdict they find
I felt the power
Of death over life
I orphaned his children
I widowed his wife
I begged their forgiveness
I wish I was dead
I hung my head
I hung my head
I hung my head
I hung my head
Early one morning
With time to kill
I see the gallows
Up on a hill
And out in the distance
A trick of the brain
I see a lone rider
Crossing the plain
And he'd come to fetch me
To see what they'd done
And we'll ride together
To kingdom come
I prayed for God's mercy
'Cause soon I'd be dead
I hung my head
I hung my head
I hung my head
I hung my head
Songwriters: Gordon Sumner

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Prayer Based on Psalm 13 Cry out to my father

1 爸,你苦待我要到幾時呢?要到五十歲嗎?你狠心地用言詞刺激貶低我,要到幾時呢?
2 我心裡孤苦,擔驚受怕,要到幾時呢?失敗羞辱升高重壓我,要重壓到何時呢?
3 天上的父,我的親爸爸,求你看顧我,應允我!使我頭可以抬起來,不再放棄我,無地自容;
4 免得討厭我的人說:我揍扁了他;免得我的敵人在我自卑打退堂鼓的時候,嗤笑我。
5 但我依靠爸的疼愛;我的心因你的接納而安穩。
6 我要給爸爸唱歡樂頌,因他疼愛吝惜我。

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Another car: Honda Accord LX Sedan 9K Miles

I bought it for $18K plus tax and fees to arrive at $19650, from Honda of El Cajon, Miguel A. Torres 619 339 9402

Monday, October 3, 2016

Week #35 Reviews and Plans

#35 Plans:
  1. Should I get involved with DSP Compute Arch?
  2. Prepare ARMv8 training
    • Prepare Audio call flows for training  
  3. Reimburse trip / interview lunch
  4. Pay QC Health Center
  5. Plan career
  6. Close SHM protocol  
    • Compare to MACH kernel's Shared Memory Server
    • Compare to CHERI schemes
    • Prototype on Windows / TrEE ?
    • Try also on Op-TEE?
  7. Compete SMMU workshop actions on clocking and DMA VM
    1. Validate clock and power vote ACPI in the SOC data
  8. Complete TLBI erratum after talking to QNX

  1.   Get Tracy to come to 10pm meetings  
  2.   Discuss Matt 25:14-30 and Heb 12 (MSG version) with Tay
  3.  Install 2nd New Closet Doors

Long term:
  1. Study exclusive page-frame patches 

Discipline in a Long Distance Race

I got this from fellow Scout Dad J Stirling, last night:

... at the end of the trip I had a brief Interaction with Taylor where I told him he needed to be helping with the clean up and he said "shut up" to me in response. I am not sure if he intended for me to hear it or not, but I did hear it.
I spoke with him about it, and let him know he wasn't permitted to speak to me or any other adult or any other scout like that because it was disrespectful. To that he responded "I know it was disrespectful - that's why said it to you."  At that point I just let him know that I would speak with his father about the issue and I walked away from him.
Another father on the trip spoke with Taylor about his response to me and instructed him to come apologize to me.  Taylor did so in a sincere manner and I accepted his apology. I let him know that we were out here to learn how to work with others and that required everybody to contribute to the effort and that the process also involved learning how to be respectful in the process. I also let him know that I wasn't angry with him. I think he was pretty emotional and tired at this point and I think some of that overflowed in his reactions with me.
 I am not upset about the matter as this is part of the learning process, but I did think it was important for you to know what happened. If you have any questions about this please let me know.

While I am so grateful for the obvious care and effort from Stirling, it is also remarkable that I just heard this preached from Pastor Lam yesterday, from Heb 12 (the Message):
4-11 In this all-out match against sin, others have suffered far worse than you, to say nothing of what Jesus went through—all that bloodshed! So don’t feel sorry for yourselves. Or have you forgotten how good parents treat children, and that God regards you as his children?My dear child, don’t shrug off God’s discipline,    but don’t be crushed by it either.It’s the child he loves that he disciplines;    the child he embraces, he also corrects.God is educating you; that’s why you must never drop out. He’s treating you as dear children. This trouble you’re in isn’t punishment; it’s training, the normal experience of children. Only irresponsible parents leave children to fend for themselves. Would you prefer an irresponsible God? We respect our own parents for training and not spoiling us, so why not embrace God’s training so we can truly live? While we were children, our parents did what seemed best to them. But God is doing what isbest for us, training us to live God’s holy best. At the time, discipline isn’t much fun. It always feels like it’s going against the grain. Later, of course, it pays off handsomely, for it’s the well-trained who find themselves mature in their relationship with God.12-13 So don’t sit around on your hands! No more dragging your feet! Clear the path for long-distance runners so no one will trip and fall, so no one will step in a hole and sprain an ankle. Help each other out. And run for it!

Sunday, October 2, 2016





  1. 苦难推我亲近神
  • 喜乐吸我亲近神
  • 犹如坐游乐场所的海盗船一样


  1. 脱离天然的反应
  • 怨言、控告

  1. 智慧 Wisdom
  2. 内力inner strength
  3. 信心
  4. 出路与解救



  • 林前4:16 病的来源,年老

  • 生命的试炼
  • 生命的清洁


Parental forgiveness 


  • 污鬼的入侵

17:18 耶稣斥责那鬼、鬼就出来;从此孩子就痊愈了


  • 荣耀的奥秘


Saturday, October 1, 2016

Cornel Prof on Access Control and Cyber Security



In distress and unfairness, pray based on His Goodness
Expect unexpected.
Let God turn common people to His Army

1. 祢所拿走的,祢用自已取带



Not because what I am but because You are Good