And later in the morning, my devotion was on 3 Lamentations with these vivid verses:
7 He walled me in so I couldn’t escape; he made my chains heavy.8 Even though I call out and cry for help, he silences my prayer.
14 I have become a joke to all my people, the object of their song of ridicule all day long.15 He saturated me with grief, made me choke on bitterness.16 He crushed my teeth into the gravel; he pressed me down into the ashes.17 I’ve[d] rejected peace; I’ve forgotten what is good.18 I thought: My future is gone, as well as my hope from the Lord.The word pictures vividly reflected my emotions in the days after AC3.0 failed to launch in Bear, around Jan 2014. That was also when I spiraled down to deep depression.
I wish I had took in this part of Lamentations, back in early days of 2014, because
amazing, the Bible captured my pain more accurately than I could do myself!
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