Monday, October 31, 2016

Week #38 Reviews and Plans


  • Walk with dad
  • Read Richardson's chapter on Sexual Addiction and Its Healing
  1. Read Jill's book on Sexual Passion / Addiction
  • Walk with Kenny and into to ingenu
  1. Write diary with Ps 13
  2. Fix andorra toilet leaks
  3. Install activity monitor on Game Machine
  4. Ask Taylor to arrange his own affairs and schedule things with phone calls
  5. Work on college app forms on Del Norte website
  6. talk to Lucy re college prep
  7. Talk to Petry about ARM job
Career Self-improve:

  1. Learn vim and cscope: try it on trusty code
  2. Prepare Trip of Apology
  3. Attend ARMv8 classes
  4. describe different v8.2 Instruction Cache types: AIVIPT/VIPT/PIPT/ VMID Aware PIPT
  5. Explain Error Synchronization Barrier
  6. Build Trusty, but first NDK
  7. Try TAC SHM on Op-TEE / Linux Gen Tee
  8. Read sections on MemTypes of ARMv8 ARM rev.J
  9. Read sections on Point of Persistency ARMv8 and 8.2
  10. Read / document xN[1:0] ie S2 PTE[54:53] on v8.2
  11. Describe the control of exe in EL0 and EL1 at stage 2 using PTE[54:53] = xN[1:0]
  12. -- Study exclusive page-frame patches 
  13. -- take Moneh Crypto classes 
  14. -- Read Purdue professor Schneider's "Security Systems Class Notes"
Faithful at Work:

  1. Compile the table of Napali-Q SMMU requirements
  2. Napali-Q Workshop
  3. Finished Crypto HPG and produce 3 slides on Crypto Without BAM or scatter-gather
  4. Review SMMUv3 spec to update IOMMU HAL to abstract v2 and v3
  5. Review protected media spec in light of IOMMU HAL 
  6. Prototype TAC SHM
  7. Set up sync with Paul and Brian after Study and summarize Trusty?
  8. W3. Prepare Audio call flows for training: Follow up Arun Mirpuri
  9. W4. Reimburse trip / interview lunch
  10. W4. Compete SMMU workshop actions on clocking and DMA VM: waiting for agreement with ARM

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