Thursday, April 13, 2017

2017: first 100 days review

Tay told Shuyi and I that he was confused by his life and is spending a good chunk of time questioning himself.

Should I also question and reflect on myself: how have things progressed since 1/1/2017 to now, 102 days in total?

First of all, what did I set out to accomplish? That is in the slide below.

However, new surprises took over the show:

  1. During morning devotion, I felt pushed to commit myself into these Keystone Habits:
    1. Make bed in the morning
    2. Swim in the morning 
  2. I became HV and IOMMU dev lead
  3. nVidia and G invited me to interview. The G interview required studying Algorithmv4 and "Programming Pearls".
  4. College dream for Tracy. To date, she made F.A.C.E at Del Norte HS, securing a spot in UCLA. She is aiming at Linguistics major at MIT or U of M.
2017 Plans:
Theme: slow down to create margin that I use to pass on the comfort from the God of All Comfort to suffering souls needing healing prayers. 安慰那遭各样患难的人。
1.Sharpen the Saw
Sharpen planning skill: create plans but only in War Room
Discipline internet usage
Model Zuckerberg to read 2 book/paper a month with one technical
Increase the total job income by ~5% from $245K to $280K
Pay 13 months of 30 year mortgage
Allocate savings: switch to simple ETFs, trailing loss protected
Just in case: Get life $1.5M insurance (cost: ~1700 / year)
a)Teach ARMv8 Architecture Overview from the POV of Snapdragon Access Control   (dropped in favor of c)
b)Step through the code of QHEE, ARM TF and OP TEE
c)Nail down stable HEE and HAL IOMMU APIs
4.Relationships Family and Church
Complete Stephen Ministry 2nd Course
Focus: “Assertiveness freeing me to tell the truth with discretion and love:  DESC practices on Taylor 12 times”, describe, explain feeling, specify change, with a consequnce
FaceTime with dad twice a week  including prayer.

100 family devotion or twice a week

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