Sunday, October 12, 2008

Road To Recovery: Highlight During Week 7

During week 7, foot-massage has been added to PO (Physiotherapy), besides swimming:

1. Around Oct 7, we bought a Shiatsu Foot Massager with heat. It helped to relieve pain of my foot on the injured side.
2. Oct 11, Ms. Zhang gave me one massage session. The outcome was mixed. While I felt relief immediately afterwards, my upper left leg turned at night to be more painful. Waken up by pain in the middle of the last night, I switched to differ postures, even thought about taking one NORCO (pain killer). After about 20 minutes, I fell asleep again.

The other highlight of Week 7 is that I spent more than 15 hours working on Taylor's go-cart. I learnt how to use spade bits to drill holes for galvanized flanges, half-inch in diameter. We also used 6.5amp drywall screwdriver to finish the front and back axles of the go-cart. The go-cart manual is at:

Today for the first time since A-Day (Accident Day), I drove a car.

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