Monday, October 20, 2008

Road to Recovery: Hightlights During Week 8, Walking in the Pool

  1. Today is the first day of Week 8. We went to see Dr. Tonks for 2nd followup. Just before that, a new pelvis X-ray was taken. It showed that everything is fine, although Dr. Tonks could not tell every status of the cracks in the bone, since the plates blocked his view. He said that during the surgery he fixed the cracks 100%, such that I just have to give it enough time, i.e. until end of Nov, before walking again.
Our annual Disney membership expires Oct 25, so we visited Disneyland and stayed at Grand California Disney hotel. We took advantage of handicap lines (really fast) at one of the rides, then the kids went on the rest of the rides with mom, and I spent most of the two days in Disney swimming pools.

  1. Dr. Tonks said OK about walking in the pool, so I did just that tonight at LA Fitness. It was very awkward to walk. My left leg and left foot felt a bit painful. Nonetheless, I walked for about 10 minutes in total, and was getting better towards the end.

He also assured me that I won't have arthritis, because the both-column acetabulum fractures distributed energy of the impact well such that the inside wall was not damaged, and the bone fragments were large.

However, he asked me to stretch the muscles for moving left leg backwards while keeping upper body straight.

For the most part, I stopped using the walker and the wheel chair: I use crutches that Will Shao lent me most of the time, in preparation to going back to work.

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