Monday, September 9, 2013

1st Presentation Makeover Sunday Workshop

,Romans 5:19:20 因一人的悖逆,眾人成為罪人;照樣,因一人的順從,眾人也成為義了。 律法本是外添的,叫過犯顯多;只是罪在哪裏顯多,恩典就更顯多了。 (羅馬書 5:19, 20 CUNP-神)

Today I read: "at times when I failed miserably I have thought : 'when will I ever learn? I have blown it again.'"

But where sin abounded, grace abounded much more. It is often in that place of misery and self contamination that God chooses to do something new for me beyond my dreams. I can't help but respond with: "Oh 主我愛你

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