- 8:34 誰能定他們的罪呢?有基督耶穌已經死了,而且從死裡復活,現今在神的右邊,也 替我們祈求。
I'm also reading The Power of Positive Thinking
Chapter 6: page 108. The above experience certainly counts towards the list of times in my life when I have been conscious of God's watchful care.
- 5. Make a mental list of times in your life when you have been conscious of God's watchful care and recall how, when you were worried and anxious, He brought things out right and took care of you. Then recite aloud this line from an old hymn, "So long Thy power hath kept me, sure it STILL will lead me on."
What about my other worry, the one related to m500-m16 performance? Will he also lead me on?
This is the high time to get on my knees to pray.
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