Sunday, September 8, 2013

Keys to decision making in the faith of Partial Info: Did not doubt the promises in unbelief, but was empowered by faith

Romans 4:20,21 (Recovery Version)

20 But with regard to the promise of God, he did not doubt in unbelief, but was empowered by faith, giving glory to God
21 And being fully persuaded that awhat He had promised He was able also to do.

The keys to Abramham's faith:

  1. Did not limit God's ability to override human difficulty
  2. Did not waver at any of God's promises.
  3. Gave glory to God: praised God even before seeing any evidence that God would keep His promise. 
    1. Faith believes that God is able to perform whatever He has promised.

The verses above ties into my talk this Wed at Sorrento Valley Salt and Light:

5 secretes of Decision making with partial information: CLIMB
  1. Consult wise associates and spouse: "shoulder check my blind spots"
  2. Let go of the result: focus on being the best you can be, filter out the Nay sayers and the FUD. Hope for the best but prepare for the worst (Esther: if I perish, I perish.)
  3. Include the stake holders in the process
  4. Manage strong emotions especially emotional scars from the past:  fear not, trust the Lord alone is sufficient
  5. Believe in your vision: be yourself, let your experienced insight  be your guide  (engineering discernment): Abraham did not doubt God's promises.

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