Sunday, December 22, 2019

Organized Religion, Family and Mother-Son Ties, a Mid Night "Chair Side" Chat

After mid-night last night, Tay and I had an impromptu chat besides his computer chair.

Earlier we had a long talk about this email I was writing (but not sending, in response to

We talked about problems of any organization, including organized religion. I stressed, and he agreed. Finally, doors opened by God to pass some legacy through to next generation:

  1. That is why family is the kernel unit of life. Family is a place a man can build, lead and protect, despite the thorny roads of the world around. This is because you will be like me, a Father, ordained to train up kids. Although Mothers have big say to boys, too. (referring to recent podcast in Focus On the Family about mothers building up sons). This seemed to resonant. He said: "For sure, that Mothers are stablizing force of family, is what the Bible teaches."
  2. I also asked him about college, especially the CU Boulder institute of ATLAS. I felt that they are good doers, not driven by fame or profit. Simply pursuit of knowledge.
  3. We talked about his strength. I said that that mom and I felt C programming came to him naturally, just like his mom. He nodded. I said you are a plain speaking guy, as evidenced by your writing, "Child Not Social." He nodded again. You are driven to problem solve. He nodded. Judging my mistakes I have cumulatively made, I sense during college years, key is to learn problem solving skills in STEM, and most have to do with math.
  4. He shared his struggle with AP Stats. He can memorize the formula, but doesn't yet understand the big picture, the why. I said that is part of the fun. Like any acquired test, after struggling for a while, sometimes a year like his struggle with Calculus which he wrote about in his UC Prompt. With device providence, down the road you will experience "Aha" moment.  Math is hard work, but after hard work you develop intuition.

Mr. Editor In Chief, Mark Galli,

Your editorial, "Trump Should Be Removed from Office", makes me feel perplexed: how could CT magazine be injected your into a complex political conflict? I don't understand: since when is our Lord commissioning us to meddle with the swamps in Washington D.C.? Which part of the Bible compels us to steer a Theological magazine towards the conflict of partisan politics?

If you have thoughtful answers, please share with us, because your answers are very important to this reader.

Frankly, I feel that I could be the next to be hit by stones, because I sometimes behave less than self-controlled, and resembles a prostitute or a politician. How will you evaluate a person like me, far from be morally polished?

Not convinced that you are sensing signs of this yardstick: Be a doer of the Word, not just hearer of the Word. (James 1:22)

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