Ephesians 3:16-20 (CHT) 16 求他按著他豐盛的榮耀、藉著他的靈、叫你們心裡的力量剛強起來、 17 使基督 因你們的信、住在你們心裡、叫你們的愛心、有根有基、 18 能以和眾聖徒一同明白基督 的愛、是何等長闊高深、 19 並知道這愛是過於人所能測度的、便叫 神一切所充滿的、充滿了你們。 20 神能照著運行在我們心裡的大力、充充足足的成就一切超過我們所求所想的.
3. 常常祷告祈求,经历神的大能
- William Carey “Expect great things from God, attempt great things for Him”
- 在各方面发挥影响力,更信靠神Eph 3: 20 神能照著運行在我們心裡的大力、充充足足的成就一切超過我們所求所想的.
Listen to Tim Keller #357 "The Power of The Spirit"
The three difference senses of filled with the spirit:
- 1. Power to convert: Col 2:9-10: ... you have come to the fullness of him (Acts 9 kind of full of spirit)
- 2. Power to sanctify a believer: Eph 5:18-19 I'm go on to be filled with the spirit
- 3. Power to bring high assurance of immediate sense of God's presence and love; "intuitive faith"
“There's an old saying that the difference between abstract knowledge and real wisdom is that "wisdom is knowledge with the knower left in." It is taking the truth into all your relationships. It is to ask, "What does this mean for my relationship to God? to myself? to this or that person or group? to this or that behavior or habit? to my friends, to the culture?”
Wisdom is confidence in the complex reality.
— Timothy Keller
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