Thursday, January 2, 2020

Diary Jan 2, 2020

What a surprise at Waverley Train Station: I did not realize that I booked Dec 2 train until I found someone sitting in "my seat".

Am I embarassed? A little. Am I losing peace? After the Conductors helped me to find new tickets and similar seats, I feel strangely peaceful. I ascribed the mature response to Tim Keller.   His podcast, "349.Finding our identity in Christ", just convinced me, via Martin Luther: Repent Daily.
"My low-selfstimate may actually   be the reality wake-up call." And:
  •  More is forgiven, more blessed and sactified in general. 
This morning, SMM and I had a long talk part 2. There is going to be part 3, hopefully on the plane or while waiting in the lounge.
  1.  Her heart problem is worriesome. Will get a full evaluate like Ted Lee did in Taiwan. Her words: if you presure me and squeeze more "利用我 达到目的""I may die young leaving you behalf, similar to the tragedy that your mom left your dad to his misery."
  2. Because of the conflict in Bertie Fish and Chips, she will "shut up and stop giving me advises. She will no longer consider her job to share what her prophetic visions concerrning me" (is this accurate?/)
  3. If I engage her in a conversation,  I need to let her know whether it is to expect her to listen only, not giving her solutions as feedback.

I pray that:
  1.  God grants me the wisdom to love my wife. I want to love her deeper, so help me God.
  2. God I want to love your word more, pleae grow in me bigger appetite for your Word. Use Rev Tim Keller's podcasts if you may.

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