Monday, January 13, 2020

Who you say I am plus Keller Sermon 349 Summary: Find My Identity in Christ

  • Song: I am who you say I am
    • Who the Son sets free
      Oh is free indeed
      I'm a child of God
      Yes I am
      In my Father's house
      There's a place for me
      I'm a child of God
      Yes I am
      I am chosen
      Not forsaken
      I am who You say I am
      You are for me
      Not against me
      I am who You say I am
  • Review: growth driven by two responses:
    • My responding to daily defeats with daily repentance, where repentance is defined as removing idols from my heart.
    • My responding to divine providence, large or small, with faith, where faith is defined as finding my identity in Christ
  • But how do you find identity in Christ? y looking at what it means to live by faith.
    • Stop DIY-way to prove "I'm not a bum", accept His salvation.
    • Two aspects of His salvation: passive obedience of Christ and active obedience of Christ.
    • Two results: guilt-free and gloriously hidden in Christ and Father God, like a defendant hiding in my Advocate.
    • Psychology is faith personalized.
    • Obeying truth means accepting that I do not have what it takes. 
      • Cannot insist on proving myself via "my brain and my personalities": the parable of two wasps told by Rev. Otberg.

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