Monday, September 12, 2016

Week #32 Reviews and Plans

#31 Reviews
    1. Add Tracy to list of drivers and Pray for her acing the driving test (done)
    2. Finalize SMMU Arch Doc + HPG to partners (done)
    3. Complete IO Coherency Review (50% done)
    4. Complete 3rd SMMU Arch Training: focus on audio delay jitter of 5 uSec (50% done)
    5. Organize SMMU Workshop (50% done)
    6. Work with Vincent: Envision the Details of Age 55 Half-Time   (done)
    7. Close the boot topics (50% done)
    8. Review SMCInvoke architecture: how does "PMMDriver" integrate with SMCInvoke? (50% done)
    9. Watch SWIFT training video  (done)
    10. Chat with Osman (done)
    11. Push forward PBHA with Jon (not done)

#32 Plans:
  1. Review feedbacks 
  2. IDF update Done
  3. Scheduler IDF submissions
  4. Conduct "Reality and Challenges of Office Politics" (done)
  5. Send out summary of the meeting above to Lukai then whole team
  6. Drive "ANOC2 SMMU AON" forward (do it with Sean)
  7. Enable Yanru to drive "IO Coherncy" for System Cache forward 
  8. Complete IO Coherency Review (50% done) Done
  9. Meet with Brian K to Review SMCInvoke architecture: how does "SHM Driver" integrate with SMCInvoke? (50% done)
  10. Investigate how PMM Driver integrate with SMCInvoke driver
  11. Close SHM protocol 
  12. Push forward PBHA with Jon
  13. Purchase and Install New Closet Doors

  1. Update IDF deck for Sevan Done
  2. Discuss Matt 25:14-30 with Tay
  3. Ask David Zhou to share the simple home work Done 
  4. Close SHM protocol Not Yet

#33 Plans:
  1. Complete 3rd SMMU Arch Training: focus on audio delay jitter of 5 uSec (50% done)

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