Friday, September 30, 2016

Week #34 Reviews and Plans (Sep 26 to Oct 2)

Week #33 Reviews:
  1. Confirm with Colin / Will Deacon then push forward DMA_ATTRIB_NO_SNOOP flag (as addition to dma_alloc_attrib())
    1. Send out a RFC to Will Deacon first
  2. Prepare Monday's SMMU workshop (Done)
  3. Investigate how PMM Driver integrate with SMCInvoke driver (in progress)
  4. Meet with Brian K to Talk Philosophy (done)

#34 Plans:
  1. Find owner of SID2CB (done)
  2. Prepare ARMv8 training
  3. Prepare Audio call flows for training tomorrow
  4. Reimburse trip / interview lunch
  5. Pay QC Health Center
  6. Plan career
  7. Close SHM protocol (no)
  8. Push forward PBHA with Jon (no)
  9. Prototype new SHM protocol EL2<->QSEE (no)
  10. Study exclusive page-frame patches (no)

  1.   1. Get Tracy to come to 10pm meetings before SAT
  2.   2. Discuss Matt 25:14-30 with Tay
  3. Purchase and Install New Closet Doors

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