Monday, September 19, 2016

Week #33 Reviews and Plans

#32 Reviews
    1. Complete IO Coherency Review (done)
    2. Organize SMMU Workshop (done)
    3. Close the boot topics (50% done)
    4. Review SMCInvoke architecture: how does "PMMDriver" integrate with SMCInvoke? (50% done)
  1. Review feedbacks (done)
  2. IDF update (Done)
  3. Scheduler IDF submissions (Done)
  4. Conduct "Reality and Challenges of Office Politics" (done)
  5. Send out summary of the meeting above to Lukai then whole team (done)
  6. Drive "ANOC2 SMMU AON" forward (do it with Sean)
  7. Enable Yanru to drive "IO Coherncy" for System Cache forward  (need to email Anddy Ross)
  8. Complete IO Coherency Review (50% done) Done
Week #33 Plans:
  1. Confirm with Colin then push forward DMA_ATTRIB_NO_SNOOP flag (as addition to dma_alloc_attrib())
  2. Send out a RFC first
  3. Prepare Monday's SMMU workshop
    1. Update roadmap
  4. Complete 3rd SMMU Arch Training: focus on audio delay jitter of 5 uSec (50% done)
    1. Prepare Audio call flows for training tomorrow
  5. Reimburse trip / interview lunch
  6. Pay QC Health Center
  7. Plan career
  8. Investigate how PMM Driver integrate with SMCInvoke driver
  9. Meet with Brian K to Talk Philosophy
  10. Close SHM protocol 
  11. Push forward PBHA with Jon
  12. Prototype new SHM protocol EL2<->QSEE
  13. Study exclusive page-frame patches


  1.   1. Get Tracy to come to 10pm meetings
  2.   2. Discuss Matt 25:14-30 with Tay
  3. Purchase and Install New Closet Doors

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