Monday, September 5, 2016

Week #31 Reviews and Plans

E#30 Reviews:

  1. Update SMMU Arch Doc to partners (done)
  2. Organize IO Coherency Review (done)
  3. Organize SMMU Workshop (waiting on Palavi)
  4. Work with George and Vincent: Envision the Details of Age 55 Half-Time (yes George only)
  5. Close the boot topics (on-going)
  6. Financial Ordering Phase 1 of 5 (done)
  7. Set up test driven dev for "strtoul"

#31 Plans:
    1. Add Tracy to list of drivers and Pray for her acing the driving test
    2. Finalize SMMU Arch Doc + HPG to partners
    3. Complete IO Coherency Review
    4. Complete 3rd SMMU Arch Training: focus on audio delay jitter of 5 uSec
    5. Organize SMMU Workshop
    6. Work with Vincent: Envision the Details of Age 55 Half-Time 
    7. Close the boot topics
    8. Review SMCInvoke architecture: how does "PMMDriver" integrate with SMCInvoke?
    9. Watch SWIFT training video
    10. Chat with Osman
    11. Push forward PBHA with Jon

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