Friday, November 14, 2008

Time for Thanksgiving

Next week, there is a dinner to share thanksgiving stories at church: Chinese Bible Church of SD.

My 2008 story is rich in many aspects:

  1. Jan/Feb/March: CCB conflict with a friend and colleague. Studying the book "Resolving Conflicts at work".
  2. April/May: my self-righteousness and arrogance during the conflict above led to big setback during performance review with my boss. I dropped into deep depression.
  3. During these dark hours, I took morning devotion seriously, utilizing a Christmas gift: "Wisdom for Today". My morning devotions convicted me of my total depravity. I admited to God and men my brokenness. Admission of my brokenness lifted my spirit up because I knew His presence and His love. He loves me hence He revealed His presence to me. I sensed His daily presence during every sweat hour of daily devotion for at least 10 days, every day. His clear and loving presence touched my heart. I became convinced that He care how I react to what happens to me. I was ready and eager to follow His words of wisdom. My submission to His words brought me immense peace and joy, Even though there was no change WRT the amount of bad news at work.
  4. Then came the marriage class and consceling. During those sessions, I discovered how I have been addicted to work. The addiction was beyond repair.
  5. Then came the layoff in July 24.
  6. Then came the big auto accident on Aug 24. By that time I had been prepared by God to depend on him. The overflow of unconditional love from friends and family taught me one lessen: I have intrinsic lovability. I don't have to prove myself by my accomplishments.
  7. Could it be this accident is necessary to rid me of my addiction?

I am going to jot down my story in Chinese.


那是一个很大的车祸, 发生在2008年8月一次去教会的路上。
我开车通过有绿灯的路口。被一辆半吨卡车高速撞在左侧。撞击前一刹那, 眼睛没看到但我脑海感到有一四方体飞过来,且有一个声音说:别怕,都安排好了。
然后我就失去了知觉. 醒来的时候, 觉得人轻飘飘的. 发现车子停在草丛中. 看见救火队员在外面. 我觉得呼吸有点困难,但不痛. 他问我, "能爬出来吗?". 我觉得有东西压著我动不了, 就回答"NO". 后来就不及得了.

过了不知道多久, 有人讲话的声音唤醒了我. 好象是救火队员之间的讲话: ".. cut his pants and shirts... (剪下长裤和衬衫)", 原来我是躺在急救车里.但很快我又失去了知觉.

再次醒来的时候, 就已经到医院. 我想起下午和邵万里弟兄的约定,不知如何通报他改期.我躺在推车上面.有人问我家里人呢,因为全家会了台湾,我想起了小组王迪贞弟兄,就把电话背出来.

后来我在加护病房,很快教会的林牧师,师母和弟兄姊妹就来看我.医生告诉他们我受伤很重, 断了七根肋骨,骨盆碎裂需要动大手术.听到这情况,师母建议通知内人.我正好记得,就给师母我太太在台湾的电话.






  1. 4月份我在人际关系的风浪中经受圣灵的管教,破碎自以为是的老我.在大风大浪中我多次感受到圣灵在灵修时与我同在,我感受到主无条件的慈爱,这爱更加激励我信靠顺服他.诗119:71“我受苦是与我有益,为要使我学习你的律例。”. 4月份的奇妙经历也加给我内心力量来面对后来的危机.
  2. 7月24日我拿到解雇工作的通知单.8月24日我撞车受了重伤.然而神的恩典够我用,救我从很危险的情况下存活下来,赐我第二生命活在心爱的家人和朋友中间,而神也赐我新的工作.
  3. 撞车的那天,家里其他大人小孩都不在车里.
  4. 住院三礼拜,包括康复中心,每天都有教会来的探访者,加上其它访客,还带来满屋子的鲜花,我能进食后,很高兴每餐都有弟兄姊妹送鸡汤等补品来.特别感动6位事务繁忙的弟兄姊妹为我的一个手术恒切祷告六小时,让我感动不已.我自问:"我一个渺小不成熟的信徒,神为何如此器重我,万般疼爱我?" 我的眼泪就会忍不住留下来.
  5. 年初我们的家庭小组只有四五家人定期聚会,感谢主答应了祷告,今天已倍增了.我们还有热心的组员恢复每周三祷告会.众多祷告中,特别要提起Lynette 家的Mark Cooly。 六月份Mark 得了重病。他以为没救了。更我们大家诀别后他一个人回老家Montreal. 我们小组组员没有对他放弃。几个月以后,奇迹发生了。Mr. Cooley 的身心健康大为好转。特别腹腔里的肿块确定是良性。他的就了。一个家庭也蒙神怜悯渡过难关。

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Career at Qualcomm Week 1 (Nov 3 - Nov 9): Learn to Tough It Up

Miraculously, I returned to work Monday in Qualcomm's building R (photo above). The first day was a bit challenging. First, the commute was bad due to minor rain fall. I-15 was jammed when I finished aqua-therapy around 8:15am. There was a car accident on I-15. There was also heavy traffic on Mira Mesa Boulevard. It took me about 1 hour to get to building S. More over, the first day had more than 8 hours of sitting in different meetings. My injured hip was very sour near the end. Thankfully, I endured through.

It turned out that my new job is very interesting. Even though I was given the option to work from home, I didn't work from home at all. It was fun in the office.

Road To Recovery: Week 9 (Oct 26 to Nov 2, 2008)

In order to go back to work, there were a few things to prepare in the last week before working again:
  1. Combat the pain associated with long-time-sitting. The main factor was excercise of the hip mustles both in the pool and on the dry land. The other factors included massage (with the help of a friend, as well as a shiatsu foot massager) and a donut seat cusion.
  2. Develope mental and physical endurance for 8-hours of office work. I was able to swim between 800 feet to 1200 feet none stop daily. I was also able to swim with one breath 25 feet daily.

Additionally, I met with friends from previous jobs for lunch twice, to get a feel of interactions with co-workers.