Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Day after day

His presence is visible with me day after day even though i do not deserve.

How do i commit to His No. 1 commandment, love Your God, witha United Heart?

Today prayers:
1. Bear SMMU SW POR change: let it be approved cleanly.
2. Istari DAP FARB: let it close

3. Get me help to progress in HB CPAS SMMU

4. Let me mend fences with Vipul

Friday, April 25, 2014

Fighting the Amygdala Fears





1。我作了令別人失望的行動:當初沒想到把SPIDER蟲給Sudeep 和 Colin講。

2。當Vipul 和Sudeep要用2-stage 時候沒有意識到是不會成功的。


Anything else?

Oh, the "Critical Heart" in me is trying to condemn but he can only use the above list of facts.

The "Critical Mind" in me 說:我憑血氣作事情,自然而然卷進了職場旋渦,越卷越深。工作成了我唯一重心遠超過了教會和家庭。


Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Return from Setback of A Failed Change Initiative

My immediate boss and I have championed a new framework of doing Qualcomm security architecture since 1.5 years ago.
In the last 4 weeks, it became clear our effort has failed in the current family of products. I am swimming in the large gap between old framework and new framework.
I feel what I need right now is to return to draw from God inner strength, and regain the courage to get back into the race again.
In the short term, I am assigned to work on the same framework but for the next product family, in an assistant role.
To me, this is an opportunity for me to focus my mind on pressing forward.

I'm so grateful that I received today the advices from George. He said: presently you need to assess the situation:
  1. What damage done to me.
  2. What options do I have for the next step
  3. What are the consequences of each option to my career
  4. What is the best option for me to move on
  5. What specific actions to take

He also said: "The best is for a small group like Wei Feng and I sit down together with you using white board to analyze the situation."

Saturday, April 12, 2014


3:24: 我以嘆息代替食物,我唉哼的聲音如水湧出。25:我所懼怕的臨到我,我所驚恐的向我而來。


正好一年前,vipul forced 2 stage translations and PJ took SMMU on 8094h: 所懼怕的臨到我.

Looking back, I failed to build consensus for the only right decision which was single stage for Content Protection.

But there is blessing in disguise, at least to turn my heart towards higher purposes.

I sense today's Wisdom for Today is not a cooncidence.

Last week, our offer to buy 17031 Silver Pine Road got accepted at 860K on 4/9.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Take Decisive Action


must take Shuyi's warnings seriously: 我不能忽略她的警戒,一天也不能。I cannot ignore her one more day.

根據motherTeresa, 她建議Henri Neuwen:

1: Pray one hour a day
2.Do nothing against 良知



1. 2:43pm. Feels hungry and calmer.
2. 5:16pm. Feels less hungry, more relaxed due to steadier mind. My fear of Vipul is still around and i can sense it.

3. 5:30pm 開始靜心安排下一步該作的事情
4. 6-8pm: career discussion was positive. Good participation and i felt the good spirit. Sound system was a problem, but i praise the Lord Weifen came to the rescue.

8 to 9:30pm:  shuyi and i had an intimate dinner at RB sushi. I love her for who she is more than ever.

To do:

3。準備女兒生日禮物: 高跟鞋

Shuyi: 現在就已經有點晚了。where Re you when taylor wants someone to kick soccer ball with?


以斯拉一 聽 見 這 事 、 "就 撕 裂 衣 服 和 外 袍 、 拔 了 頭 髮 和 鬍 鬚 、 驚 懼 憂 悶 而 坐 。"

Eara 9:

14 我 們 豈 可 再 違 背 你 的 命 令 、 與 這 行 可 憎 之 事 的 民 結 親 呢 、 若 這 樣 行 、 你 豈 不 向 我 們 發 怒 、 將 我 們 滅 絕 、 以 致 沒 有 一 個 剩 下 逃 脫 的 人 麼

In my case, the  行 可 憎 之 事 的 民 結 親, means to be caught in the 俗世旋渦。工作變成我生命,我活着的重心,壓住我不能動彈的巨石。

Isianh 26:13
You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you

A Painful Struggle with Tender Spot: or was it an Amygdala Hijack?

My heart is in turmoil due to emotional pain from the Below The Line "trash talks" from Bear SMMU nay-sayers, attacking AT and me.

My IPA==PA idea was trashed yesterday by Serag and Jason, worse, Halter did not seem to like it either. JM reprimanded me for putting a requirement that is not the POR.  I felt humiliated and embarrassed in front of Sr Directors and other colleagues.

1. I feel humiliated, cornered, discouraged, 恐怖,不安全感,自慚形穢, 慌亂, 心跳加快,腳底出汗。 as if something terrible is about to happen. 

2. 身體上感覺如下: 腳底發麻, 下體縮小, 面部緊張。覺得自己有罪禍,  似乎會遇到災難。我覺得想要找個洞躲避,又覺畏縮惊惶不能動彈。panic attack
From this paper:

Perhaps  harmony is something you value deeply and you are surrounded by negativity and excessive criticism, this could also be a trigger. Know your emotional hot buttons.— Who are the corporate button-pushers in your life? Self-awareness precedes self-management.

3。 這樣複雜的不詳感覺是似曾相識的. 


4. 過去有類似的trigger 或 tenderspot嗎?

被游泳隊開除之事件, 被抓住把柄,狼狽不堪。被教育局朱幹事陪同回原學校,令我難以抬頭,在公車上幾天來的事讓我擔心而不能動彈。


聽見父親在咆哮:你這個畜牲,你又扙笨了。你只曉得闖禍. 除了岀洋相給我丟臉你還會做啥子?This was an Amygdala Hijack.




我象一個小孩一樣嚇哭了. 我該怎麼辦? 其實我才十一丶十二歲, 象樂樂一樣是不懂事的小孩. 那時比垂樂說不定小一點.



你這個畜牲我要把你掐死. 看我不打斷你的腿。我使勁掐住我的脖子要擰下我的頭. 

5. 重新安排童年的amygdala hijack, a tender-spot.






6。提醒我還會遇到tenderspot and or Amygdala Attack.


7. 去洗澡

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Prophetic Warnings from my wife

What is your identity?

Why do you associate your identity with your work at this particular moment? You ignore things before and in the future, let alone family and others.

You await others to cater to your needs. You do not care about their needs, and you calculate what is there for you, in a selfish manner.