Monday, June 27, 2016

Week #25 Review

Top 3 things:

0. Test results showed Blood Sugar normal 5.5 A1C and 88 FBG Fast Blood Glucose 
1. My eyes are opened by Uncle John Memorial Services
2. Ran 3 miles with brothers

Saturday, June 25, 2016


I always feel happy, you know why?
Because I don’t expect anything from anyone
Expectations always hurt…
Life is short…
So love your life…
Be happy and keep smiling
Before you speak, listen
Before you write, think
Before you spend, Earn
Before you pray, forgive
Before you hurt, feel
Before you hate, Love
That’s Life …
Feel it, Live it & enjoy its 

Thursday, June 23, 2016

May the Godly Strike Me in Love and Correct Me



5 任凭义人击打我,这算为仁慈。任凭他责备我,这算为头上的膏油。我的头不要躲闪。正在他们行恶的时候,我仍要祈祷。

Monday, June 20, 2016

Week #24 Plan

Week #24 Plan

I did not anticipate that Colin Sharp did use GPU error conceal feature to argue against single stage, which no doubt enhances fault model in my vision. What does TZMP2 write about fault model? And HVX?

On my side, discipline is the theme: I did follow through on the pmm client driver prototype and had hacking session with Mitchel. One more to go with Satyaki.
  1. Need to summarize S2 faults to Colin, but I did spend about 8 hours to update SMMU memory sharing and Virtualization CPAS after the priority call from Colin. 
  2. Send him list of things cannot be done w/o adding Mark Woh.
  3. Brainstorm with AT Master-side RGOS as SW products, to pitch to Bobby
  4. IDF on locking TLBs and release by HW signals
  5. IDF on scaling AC LUTs 

Top 3 things for the weeks to follow:
  1. Reach out to Mike Jager re KPI experience
  2. Reach out to Bobby re SW as products

Week #24 Review

1. Photos

2. Wedding

3. PBHA came back to AT and I, plus Potential work breakthrough on the variation of JL's cache idea

寫幾個故事來說說Uncle John

我想寫幾個故事來說說Uncle John

我們都知道Uncle John 於上週五、六月十七日去逝了。我的同事Victor和我一樣,都很捨不得他,這兩個月來我們每個禮拜都陪他半天。我之所以特別捨不得,有一個原因是想再聽聽Uncle John說他最擅長講的生動有趣的故事。既然他走遠了,可否換我也來說說Uncle John的故事?

四月十日我在醫院陪伴一下Uncle John. 四月十二日我們光鹽小組活動之前,我去一家花店買張卡片預備請認識Uncle John的老組員留言、簽名給他。從店里出來,我一個人在車裏,想起這陣子Uncle John的事情,突然眼淚就止不住掉下來,越流越多,甚至哭出聲來。哭這麼大聲、我有點驚訝。仔細想想,我覺得我的內心深處在那一刻經歷了突破。在那天回想起Uncle John, 我突然發覺從感情上我被感染了一種無條件的父愛,一種又不帶條件又正直的父愛。這種感情的突破與被感染大概是比較難得的,因此眼淚不自覺地就湧流出來。我不介意這溫馨的熱淚,源頭是不帶條件而又正直不偏頗的父愛。我以前聽說過這種愛但不曉得長什麼樣子,大概因為我小時候長在重考試的家庭背景,留下感情上、人格上的缺失、遺憾、失衡。Uncle John知道我的內心掙扎,長期他幫助、輔導我,花很多心思在我身上耕種,那天我的熱淚奪眶而出、出來衝洗我感情上對父愛的種種懷疑迷茫,不曉得算不算Uncle John播下的一粒種子在破土?
Uncle John 擅長在我們的職場小組耕種,他播種子之一部分,其實就是Uncle John在高通光和鹽小組分享的故事,他犧牲自己方便別人的許多故事。

我記得比較深的是發生在他回到Lowrenve Berkeley National Labs後。七十年代有一年經濟潇條,他的同事們找研究經費有困難,Uncle John研究超導物理獨闢蹊徑,另外部門主管就把Uncle John的經費申請方案換了自己的名字,最後能源部撥了錢,就告訴Uncle John: 您的經費多,我們要用這筆錢去發薪水給別人的博士生,而且讓Uncle John去幫助指點這位中國人。那位主管背地里把這些不公平的事情如此安排妥了,Uncle John當然很生氣。但他叫那位博士生隔天再來,然後他關上門,整理自己的思緒。一句經文出現:"又恐怕我贫穷就偷窃,以致亵渎我神的名." 他就感謝上帝讓他那時候沒有受窮到被逼去打劫,反而有余讓別人可以劫去一點。當他用感恩看待別人雙料占便宜的時候,他將心思意念從自己當得的權益轉移到那個博士生的學術前途,更跪在地上為他的終極歸宿代禱。後來他順利完成博士論文,十幾年後在學術研討會上專門找到Uncle John, 分享說:我現在信耶穌是我永生救主。

下面這個例子比較有代表性,Uncle John願意放下自己的學術成就,配合Dora 的教牧生涯。Uncle John最大的心願之一,是見到他所愛的年輕人、下一代可以得豐盛喜樂生命成長作光和鹽。他生命最後六個月的樂趣之一,是在研讀兩本書:"Called" and "Let Your Life Speak To You". 兩本書共同之處,是關於以終為始,用終極關懷整合平日的大小決定。受他的影響,我也讀了,在電話裏丶短信里我們討論過,在他病不重時候我們在病床也談過。他還影響到我的老二,因為我們倆人去年十一月在他的三藩市祖房住過幾天。

從五月底開始,Uncle John病重處於昏迷中。有一天碰到一位年長的護士,她告訴我病人仍有聽覺、建議我們跟他談天。於是我就把我這一段的心情告訴昏迷中的Uncle John, 跟他說有多麼捨不得他,因他教我懂得無條件接受別人;告訴他最近我的老二,受他影響讀了一遍"Let Your Life Speak"(注二),而且喜歡這本書。告訴他我常聽他喜歡的"一粒麥子"(注一)那首歌,我喜歡"把自己埋下丶用盡,結出有生命的子粒"的意境,我說我覺得他就是一個默默放棄應有的權利,為我們被埋下被用盡的麥子。我說我理解、也認同他的選擇,他讓自己象種子落在地裡,失喪生命反得到生命。"呼召如此崇高,種子何等渺小",但感情上,我仍捨不得他離開。

六月十二日星期天睡醒之前,我夢見了Uncle John. 我夢見他出現在一個高出觀眾席的頒獎禮臺上,禮台在玻璃後面,充滿光,好像是個加州的夏天、陽光明媚。他從遠走近,神采奕奕,看上去似乎有滿頭的黑髮,但我不能確定。我能確定的,是我看到他堅定自信的眼神,不帶一絲懷疑。在那個夢中,他的雙眼一直有信心在燃燒、在散發有福的確據。


約翰一書4:17 爱在我们里面得以完全、我们就可以在审判的日子、坦然无惧.

這樣就能了解Uncle John的眼神為什麼不帶一絲懷疑。
Uncle John, 觀察您的一生,教我如何不去思考"以終為始"的智慧?

注1:"一粒麥子"從LambMusic 可以收聽

注2:Let Your Life Speak by Parker J Palmer

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Chao Ma's Sermon Peace Maker and Befriend Gay Neighbors

Rev 22:15 outside the city are the dogs - the sorcerers, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idol worshippers and all who love to live a lie.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

June 15 Prayer Meeting Items

1. Edcon's mother had a moderate stroke with semiplegia. Pray for therapy to recover functional use of the body
2. Tony Wang had stomach ache. Pray for healing to him.
3. Hang awaits internal transfer for a job to effect change
4. Hang's dad suffers perspirative  fibrosis. Friday has a test. Pray for positive outcome.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Week #23 Plan

I anticipate the discussion with Colin Sharp may come with unexpected turns. Let us see whether he still insists on uniform random uncorrelated allocator behaviors in both stages. But he cannot argue against single stage, which was the plan in 2013 and the spec in TZMP2.

On my side, discipline is the theme: I need to follow through on the pmm client driver prototype: leverage Mitchel and Satyaki.
  1. 8 hours: update SMMU memory sharing and Virtualization CPAS after the priority call from Colin, but first forward Dafna request to Colin, and build a list of cannot-be-done items, such as filing ARB items which has very high visibility 100% taken by CoreBSP up to now
  2. Brainstorm with Colin Master-side RGOS as SW products, to pitch to Bobby
  3. IDF on locking TLBs and release by HW signals

Top 3 things for the weeks to follow:
  1. Reach out to Mike Jager re KPI experience
  2. Reach out to Bobby re SW as products

Love in DNA #48s

Sperm donor #48s: his 6 children found each other but not him

1 John 4:13-17

This relates to image of John last night in my dream. In a graduation like setting, he appeared on stage behind glass like a Tesla show room, full of health and full of blessed assurance. 

Love Gid Genuinely 

1. Logically: what the Bible teaches
2. Emotionally: openly share your feelings with God in prayers
3. Spiritually : seek the truth 
4. Action: trust and obey

Mark Twin: there are two important  days: the day you were born and the day you found why you were born

Week #23 Review

Shuyi made her first Floor 花藝作品

Best things in the last week:

1. Our family minus Tracy, celebrated Taylor middle school graduation where we heard inspiring speech for his classmate Matthew Tillyer

2. Taylor hiked to second flag on the hill

3. Santyajit Patne wanted Ramesh Durga to try/use my idea of Exclusive EE, so the IDF got a second life

Last week:
  1. Finish two outstanding IDFs: Done
  2. Finish my coding on Linux side: half done Talk to Satyajit re architecture violations: done and show him my patchset: no need
  3. Clarify hypervisor layer requirements and share with MSFT: yes
  4. and update SMMU and Virtualization CPAS: No: waiting for priority call from Colin

Top 3 things for the weeks to follow:
  1. Reach out to Mike Jager re KPI experience
  2. Reach out to Bobby re SW as products
  3. IDF on locking TLBs and release by HW signals

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Prayer Meeting Items

  1. Hang: USC filming school tour: let God guide Nathan to college
  2. Hang: let the network rollout tomorrow succeed.
  3. Men's retreat: let more people come on 6/18
  4. Bonding of the brothers in the summer
  5. Bonding of the sisters in the summer
  6. 大衛工作去向及出差減少頻度
  7. Victor: 感恩丶太多的祝福。角聲租場地: 求神開門
  8. MaryQin:flying to Tennese to be trained as a sales person of children's books, door to door
  9. Pastoral and Council retreat from Friday to Sat: Listening to God's voice, Dr Scorges to lead. 

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Taylor's Writing at

Taylor Zeng replied to U6 Which career would you choose?.
Jun 6 at 7:47 pm

If I went with what I wanted, I would go with a Biomedical Engineer. A biomedical engineer is, of course, closely associated with engineering, which is a life long dream job of mine. Also, a perk of Biomedical Engineering is that I don't have to do customer service, which is sometimes a pain. But if I went with logic, I would take the pharmacist job since, as the doctor bills sudgest, get a ton of money. But, the reason why I don't want this job is: one, it has nothing to do with engineering, and two, you have to do basically a retail job at a cashier. Also nutrition is hard, with multiple factors and a balance that can never be upset. So, in conclusion, if I go with what I want, I would be a Biomedical Engineer, but if I wanted the ridiculously high pay, I would go with a pharmacist. 

Sunday, June 5, 2016

2016 Week #22 Review and Week #23 Plan

Top 3 things to feel grateful in Week 22 from May 29 to June 4

  1. Healed of stomach sickness and return from PM weakness to strength (prayer answered)
  2. Inspired during morning devotions after Men's Group on May 29
  3. TZMP2 call flows vindicated my Bear proposal with protected VMs using s2 only, and I aslo wrote skeleton code in 414au kernel 3.18 called pmm_client_driver.

Top 3 things for next week:

  1. Finish two outstanding IDFs
  2. Finish my coding on Linux side, Talk to Satyajit re architecture violations, and show him my patchset
  3. Clarify hypervisor layer requirements and share with MSFT, and update SMMU and Virtualization CPAS

Top 3 things for the weeks to follow:
  1. Reach out to Mike Jager re KPI experience
  2. Reach out to Bobby re SW as products
  3. IDF on locking TLBs and release by HW signals







屬血氣的智慧: 只考慮自己(血氣)的得失












No hidden agenda, no hidden motive





Friday, June 3, 2016

Answered Prayer

I suffered nightmare and weak body for 4 afternoons from 5/31 to 6/3. I prayed hard for healing and today I am healed. 

I did go swimming yesterday at 9pm. I was very weak around 8pm and napped from 8 to 9pm.