Sunday, July 26, 2015





1. 思想上的混杂与

2. 宗教上的混乱

3. 社会道德的败坏


2015.6.26: 🇺🇸正式宣告所多马国成立

信息之一: 归向耶和华悔改

- 医治和缠裹- 内里的

- 苏醒和兴起- 外在的

- 与神的相交- 向上的


信息之二: 认识耶和华: 追求

1 必须性客观的-  借着人丶事、物来认识他

2 主动性 主观的-  竭力追求

信息之三: 神不变的应许和祝福




Thursday, July 23, 2015

Big Changes

Yesterday during QCOM Q3'15 Earnings Conference Call, CEO Steve Mollenkoff announced sweeping cost reductions including:
1. 15% layoff
2. Reduction in stock compensations.

I need to be extra vigilant, lean more on God to navigate the fast approaching changes.

Friday, July 17, 2015

以弗所三 Grounded and Rooted in Love

Today I am only beginning to understand  with brother John Shi 施建川方大卫, David Fang etc what is the breadth and length and height and depth of God's love.

13:3  耶 和 華 我 的   神 阿 、 求 你 看 顧 我 、 應 允 我 、 使 我 眼 目 光 明 、 免 得 我 沉 睡 至 死 .
13:4  免 得 我 的 仇 敵 說 、 我 勝 了 他 . 免 得 我 的 敵 人 在 我 搖 動 的 時 候 喜 樂 。
13:5  但 我 倚 靠 你 的 慈 愛 . 我 的 心 因 你 的 救 恩 快 樂 。

Ephesians 3:

17 that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith, so that, because you have been rooted and grounded in love, 18 you may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, 19 and thus to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, so that you may be filled up to all the fullness of God.
Eph 3:17-19 (NET)

3:16  求 他 按 著 他 豐 盛 的 榮 耀 、 藉 著 他 的 靈 、 叫 你 們 心 裡 的 力 量 剛 強 起 來 、
3:17  使 基 督 因 你 們 的 信 、 住 在 你 們 心 裡 、 叫 你 們 的 愛 心 、 有 根 有 基 、
能 以 和 眾 聖 徒 一 同 明 白 基 督 的 愛 、 是 何 等 長 闊 高 深 、

以弗所三 Grounded and Rooted in Love

Today I am only beginning to understand  with brother John Shi 施建川方大卫, David Fang etc what is the breadth and length and height and depth of God's love.

13:3  耶 和 華 我 的   神 阿 、 求 你 看 顧 我 、 應 允 我 、 使 我 眼 目 光 明 、 免 得 我 沉 睡 至 死 .
13:4  免 得 我 的 仇 敵 說 、 我 勝 了 他 . 免 得 我 的 敵 人 在 我 搖 動 的 時 候 喜 樂 。
13:5  但 我 倚 靠 你 的 慈 愛 . 我 的 心 因 你 的 救 恩 快 樂 。

Ephesians 3:

17 that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith, so that, because you have been rooted and grounded in love, 18 you may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, 19 and thus to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, so that you may be filled up to all the fullness of God.
Eph 3:17-19 (NET)

3:16  求 他 按 著 他 豐 盛 的 榮 耀 、 藉 著 他 的 靈 、 叫 你 們 心 裡 的 力 量 剛 強 起 來 、
3:17  使 基 督 因 你 們 的 信 、 住 在 你 們 心 裡 、 叫 你 們 的 愛 心 、 有 根 有 基 、
能 以 和 眾 聖 徒 一 同 明 白 基 督 的 愛 、 是 何 等 長 闊 高 深 、

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Surprised By VP Departure

Today Azzedine told me Mark will not be SW Arch VP. Where he and I belong, he does not know.

This is a big surprise. I then talked for a long time with Victor, prayed for 15minutes. 

Reminds me of summer 2010 when Victor and I prayed hard together for 5 lunch hours.

This time, I trust God's hand.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Forgot Rameron: now what?


Forgot to take Rameron last night. Will I feel alright?

With Holy Spirit dwell in me, I am strong, I am brave, I am of great courage. 

I am not worried. 

Resumed Rameron at night. Without it, I feel a bit hard to concentrate 

Saturday, July 11, 2015

How to become a seasoned security SW architect

One way is to learn from Landy Wang:


“When I approach a new project, I quickly envision the ultimate goal regardless of the constraints of the existing architecture, anticipate the potential pitfalls, come up with solutions ensure that the changes will fit seamlessly with the current system and then confidently proceed full speed ahead to completion,” Wang says. “I don’t like to compromise the fundamental tenets of the design process or any of the implementation of that design because doing so can potentially impact the entire ecosystem that is supported by Windows.”

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Words Strengthening a boy's faith

From Focus on the Family today "manual to manhood":

I am strong, I am brave, I am of great courage.

SV Light, Again

1. First priority:
  11:10:  pray for 20 minutes
  11:30: sleep, no more electronics

2. Manage expectations 与老板沟通

2.5 Ask for help

3. 交给别人


You are helping to shape the company's future approach it as partner.

Mingxi read book: "Second Machine Age"

Notes from Mingxi:

Tuesday to wrap up on effective inter-dept collaboration and communication.  There was a very good example of sharing by Denghong to highlight the importance of helping everyone in the situation with a win-win if possible, and more importantly from faith perspective having an objective to ensure needs of each team are properly served through the process, and sometimes this would require sacrifice on our behalf.  Then we also had discussions on how would we control the boundaries, i.e. what if our credit are all taken by others?  There was a very discussion around the topic, and we had example sharing that illustrated that there are times that we just have to do the right thing and be willing to step forward with candid opinion for the best of the company, while everyone else is in the political game, even though this would make quite a few unhappy at this point.  As Christians we have to remember that we are placed in our work place with a purpose to testify Christ and glorify God and to learn to grow in the Ways that God planned for us, not to please people.  How to make the right move would be a combination of the senses we learned through different situations that God put us in training in every step, as well as through our prayers to know His Will at each critical time.  Trust and obey sounds easy, while in reality it needs a lot of learning steps with joyful sacrifices along the way.  At the end, we have to do the right thing and trust that God will lead the way to the best outcome, and even if we start with the wrong thing, as long as we put everything into His hands and listen carefully, He will lead us to the right path.  

Friday, July 3, 2015


两周以前请4SSpring 小组BBQ 和商量暑假弟兄会计划。这次开始扭转我Anxiety.

6月24日到26日休假。24去王医生安琦诊所复诊. 她诊断我的抑郁症已经好很多叫我过几年再考虑停药,比如当工作变轻松后.

大约30天前我喜欢上健身举重。肌肉力量增加打壁球进步。上周六与VInson 打贏三场。

去Sourh Coast winery resort 住了两晩。去Gourmet Italian 晚歺. SecDrive 回转.


What now? 下面的最高目标是什么呢?

1. 接到grape tree 象2008.5
2. 结果,第一是内在平安
      書逸说我缺乏平安对自己的平安peace with myself

3. Unconditionally love shuyi, Tracy and Taylor 

4. Build healthy relationship at work and in the community