Sunday, February 22, 2015

Choir tune Remember Me

I'm at a ,I love thos song, it is poignant.

Slept from 9:50 to about 4 but provrastinated until 6:45 morning hormone attack kicked in a little around 8am.
Took 1/5 of clomid at 10 am. Seems to work.

Had a brief but poignant encounter with Mingxi at Sue's funeral. Loved it. Mingxi is my role model.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Withdrawal from Clomid

Was trying to gradually stop taking clomid.

I felt very weak this PM, and I took 1/4 of one Clomid 50mg pill.

Let us see whether 
1. headache comes back and 
    Headache did not
2. energy returns
    Yes ever so slightly

At 8:40pm took another 1/4 clomid with advil

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Managing up 3/3

1. Make no unforgiving mistake

2. Not go uninformed when you know things the boss should know

3. Stay loyal to the partnership's objectives

4. Tolerate each other's foibles

5. Not assume bad behavior comes from bad intention but rather from misinfo or misguided views

6. Share hardship

7. Seek for boss's strength not just seeing his weakness

8. Reenforce commonality

My job is to make my boss do better

1. Value his priority as my priority

2. Exceed his expectation

3. If it is important to him, i need to finish early

4. If important ti him, suggest better idea

5. Be a problem solver do not escalate

6. If he does not like a dept, try solve myself

Give your boss a good spa:

S: take it Serious ask question take notes

P: Don't take it personal

A: always take actions

前額頁frontal cortex 新皮質 neocortex

PTC:  Pause,  Transformation questions

Choose and Act:  

5.  Pick the right timing

Action:   Grow my driver skills.

Grow my assertiveness

Take ARMv8 and data call classes.




1. 我的一些責任未完成,比如SMMUtraining.
2. 兒子體力差体重高
3. 我與同事的關係不好,社交活動笨拙
4. Stage 2 失敗
5. 我常打退堂鼓

我想因為那時我內心環境不安全,總在抓外面的東西作倚靠. 外在的安全大多短暫,加上ADD,作決定輕率.


0. 兒子數學邏輯好
1. 太太智慧又能干
2. 女兒智慧又能干,而且長于社交
3. Vinson 陪我支持我
4. 妹妹妹夫鼓勵我
5. 成家以来神賜的薪水財務都不缺
